Holbrook, MA Results 4/18/10 Unlimited


Paul Bendix

Results of Holbrooks IR50/50 Unlimited. Another Cold windy raining shoot! 38 when I left the house. Wood stove going all day at the range warmup house.

Al Hadfield 247 18X 248 18X 248 13X 743 49X Turbo Broughton ECK Eley
Michael Gallant 248 15X 246 10X 248 5X 742 30X Hall Benchmark Myers Eley
Ray Hill 246 13X 247 13X 246 13X 739 39X Turbo Broughton ECK Eley
Al Joly 248 11X 241 10X 250 15X 739 36X 40X Lilja Eley
Paul Bendix 241 7X 245 12X 244 13X 730 32X Turbo Douglas Kathy Eley
Robert Hill 247 8X 238 4X 243 10X 728 22X Turbo Broughton ECK Eley
David Shattuck 236 7X 239 9X 235 8X 710 24X Shul ?? Myers Eley
Doug Shea 234 6X 229 9X 240 9X 703 24X Rem 513-T FAC Self Eley/Rem

Al Joly shot his first Rimfire 250 (my backup gun, His ammo bought from Al Hadfield) (Al H. do you have any more?) Great shooting AL !!!

sorry about the picture my lens fogged up.

Warming up between targets

Al Hadfield and Ray Hill
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AS always, thanks for all the work you do to make Holbrook happen. Also thanks for the breakfast munchies and lunch. Now...if you could just work on the weather it would be nice. Just imagine, a sunny, warm, dry Holbrook match. Wouldn't that be something!

See you at Pinnacle Mountain next Saturday.

Thanks Paul, good match. Congrats to Al on the 250!

Nice to see everybody...let's do it again next week at Pinnacle.

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Thanks again for doing all that you do! It means a lot to all of us. And, especially thank you for running both the Indoor and Outdoor Airgun matches year round as that would run most of us ragged.

Boy, don't we all just look like a bundle of energy in that middle picture. Obviously, our get up and go got up and went years ago. Good thing there weren't any life changing decisions needing to be made there or we'd have been in deep trouble, that's for sure.
