Holbrook IR 50/50 Unlimited April 18 9:00 AM


Paul Bendix

Holbrook Sportsmens Club
150 Quincy Street
Holbrook, MA

Gate will be open by 8:00 AM

We will also be shooting FUN FIRE targets for the factory stock guns. (DCM 40X, Win 75's, Win 52's Ruger 10/22 etc.)
Along with the IR 50/50 Unlimited.

Cold Drinks and a light lunch will be provided.

Air Gun Benchrest will be shot after the rimfire match.

Paul Bendix Match Director
Hi Paul,

I see you dug up a photo from one of the "Monsoon" matches. If you have doubts it was WET that day look and the water on Penny's rest.

The weatherman is say we may have showers Sunday. Doe's that translate to another monsoon?

For you new Holbrook shooters below is a picture that will give you an idea of how to dress for one of Paul's matches...

9-09ReadyForHolbrook for web.jpg

I plan on being there. Looking forward to seeing everyone.

Man, oh man A & P, did you hit the nail on the head with that photo. :D :D And yes, the weather guru's are forcasting rain with a strong chance of snow for Sunday. ;) :rolleyes: But Penny, SNOWSHOES? :eek: :eek: I mean, after all: it's mid-April for goodness sakes! :mad: :mad:

I'll be there and can't wait to see everyone after a long winter. And yes, I will be packing all of my foul weather gear, just in case. I just hope the road guys have everything cleared enough for me to be able to find Holbrook? )chill( )chill(
