Holbrook indoor results Nov 1


New member
Thanks for all the help in setting up the range and take down. Mark N and David and all the goodies Mark N brought. It's been a tough month health wise for me. I wasn't going to shoot but had an open bench so went ahead and set up. With the Thomas going clean until I loaded a Monster Pellet backwards. Lost 5 points on one bull. Wasn't up to shooting my last two cards.
We had two new shooter from N.H. Join us that shared a TM -1000 and Steve G that bought a Twin Tube Chip Smith SUMO also from N.H.
Wind conditions from 20-40 mph outside made it's way into the range exhaust system for some strange flyers.
Open Class
Steve Grayner SUMO .22 238 5X, 244 4X, 247 10X, 729 19X

Unlimited Class
Jay Theriault M-Rod .25 205 0X, 208 1X, 196 1X, 609 2XI

LV Class
Mark Normandin Thomas .177 248 14X, 249 11X, 249 12X, 746 37X

HV Class
Mark Normandin TM-1000 .177 250 10X, 250 13X, 250 17X, 750 40X
David Shattuck BM-500 .177 243 14X, 250 15X, 248 15X, 741 44X
Thomas .177 249 20X, 250 20X, 250 18X, 749 58X
Bill Day HW-100 .177 245 4X, 238 6X, 237 5X, 720 15X
Mark Marini TM-1000 .177 234 6X, 242 9X, 245 9X, 721 24X
Stuart Spector TM-1000 .177 234 4X, 231 4X, 465 8X
Paul Bendix Thomas .177 245 21X, 245 21X

No Springers this Month. The offer stands free for any Springers at our Dec 6 th match.

Paul Bendix

Sent from my iPad
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Well done for putting the match on Paul. Take it easy and get well for the December match.


Again, thank you for everything you do, and especially for sharing your Thomas with me. I had a ball! My only problem was with my 749 58X score as that single dropped point occurred on the very first shot on the very first of the 3 targets after shooting at least a half dozen pellets through a single hole on a sighter, moved over and wouldn't you know my first shot-for-score was a brain fart. Oh well?

Hope you fell better real soon, like before our next match. And, if not, it's okay to cancel as we'll all understand. Hope to see you then.

Thanks Paul

Another fun day, hope your feeling better soon. A couple of small corrections before you submit to the Scoreline if you would please. The 750 I shot was in HV with a RAW and the 744( actually a 746 if my math is correct) was shot with a Thomas in LV. I'll be earlier next month so you don't have to setup the Range by yourself:cool:

Another fun day, hope your feeling better soon. A couple of small corrections before you submit to the Scoreline if you would please. The 750 I shot was in HV with a RAW and the 744( actually a 746 if my math is correct) was shot with a Thomas in LV. I'll be earlier next month so you don't have to setup the Range by yourself:cool:


Thanks, Mark sorry for the mixup guess I can't watch football and do a report!
See you in Dec. had help from the club work party moving the benches etc.

And once again I finished second with a 749-58X because of dropping my very first shot, then running the next 74? Maybe next time.

Great shooting Mark! It's always a challenge when you, Dan and Paul are doing what you do. Keeps the rest of us on our toes, that's for sure.

Loading JSB Monsters backwards drop 5 points!

At least you didn't load a JSB Monster backwards like I did ! Check out bull 23.

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Not necessarily so! On my first set of targets, #10 was loaded backwards for a -4. But, then again, there were 3 others that plugged out, so it wasn't alone like with yours. And besides, mine only had 14X's, not 21!

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Thanks for all the Well wishers!

Going to try PT for two more weeks. Then I have a Myelogram after that to see if surgery will be needed.

Good luck with the Myelogram Paul, I’m sure you’ll come through with flying colours. Maybe an oil change and service is due, apart from that I’m sure you will be good for another 50000 miles

Just been looking at the scores from the new USARB website:

2014 Regional HV Results
Paul Bendix (Steyr): 246-10X, 240-6X, 246-12X= 732-28X

Do you ever remember shooting that badly ;) onward and upward.

On a selfish note, I apologize for delay in the BIPM results this month, some late scores in and a good number which require input by hand has delayed things, hopefully complete tomorrow.

Nice shooting!

Nice job Mark (and crew!). Sorry I missed Nov but hope to make Dec. Get better Paul!