Holbrook Indoor Results May 30


New member
For an off week glad to have 5 shooters, two shot three targets and the rest shot six targets.
Mark N. Shot the only 750 with his LV RAW. David shot his Rapid and sorted some Monsters for me to try in my Thomas for the Worlds.
LV Class
Mark Normandin RAW .177 250 16X, 250 19X, 250 13X, 750 48X
HV Class
Paul Bendix .177 Thomas 249 18X, 250 17X, 250 20X, 749 55X
250 23X, 250 20X, 249 20X, 749 63X
Mark Normandin RAW .177 249 18X, 250 20X, 249 14X, 748 52X
David Shattuck Rapid .177 249 16X, 249 16X, 248 13X, 746 45X
Mark Marino RAW .177 248 14X, 250 13X, 248 16X, 746 43X
248 14X, 249 13X, 248 13X, 745 40X
Chris Sloan RAW .177 247 9X, 247 12X, 248 13X, 742 34X

Thanks for all the help in range setup and Take down. I am doing better that expected after back

Paul Bendix

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Thanks for another excellent match Paul. Wish I could have stayed for the second set of targets, but I was pretty much done for the day when I left.

Good luck in Australia in two months. What a long way to go, but wish I were joining you.

Thanks Dave.

Thanks for coming on such a short notice. I was dragging myself at the end of six cards. The trip home from Maine Fri night, unload the truck and pack it for the shoot on Sat. When I got home the LV Thomas had been delivered with the upgrades. Love the side lever on my HV Thomas. Might get some range time
Tomorrow to test it out.
Not up to going out to Salem N.Y. Wed. Night.
Will find out Monday Night what Sat in June will work for the last summer shoot at Holbrook?

Don't make it too soon as I'll be having my Gallbladder removed on Friday, so as for me being there, not the next day, or probably even the week after.