Holbrook indoor results Feb 6


New member
Holbrook indoor 25 yd results.
Open Class
David Shattuck .22 RAW BM-500 250 15X, 250 21X, 250 18X, 750 54X
Paul Bendix .177 THOMAS 249 16X, 250 21X, 250 19X, 749 56X
David Shattuck .22 RAWBM-500 250 22X, 249 14X, 249 17X, 748 53X
HV Class
Jay Dawley .177 THOMAS 249 10X, 250 18X, 249 17X, 748 45X
Mark Marini RAW .177 249 15X, 250 18X, 248 16X, 747 49X
Stuart Spector RAW .177 250 18X, 247 15X, 248 16X, 745 49X
Mark Marini RAW .177 249 14X, 250 16X, 248 19X, 747 49X
Chris Sloan RAW .177 248 15X, 243 9X, 246 5X, 737 29X
LV Class
Stuart Spector RAW .177 249 17X, 248 18X, 250 12X, 747 47X
Chris Sloan AA S400 MPR-FT .177 245 8X, 240 8X, 243 11X, 728 27X

Thanks for all the help in range set up and takedown! David with helping with the scoring!
Welcome a new shooter that Stuart fished in. Started him in with a Thomas in HV. And won HV class!
See you at our next shoot March 5.
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Thanks again for running the match. I only wish my 2nd, 3rd and 4th targets could have been combined for an Agg. as THAT would have been something.

See everybody on the 5th.

Thanks Michael, but isn't it that I'd have to better your score before making that page? At least, that's what I always thought: that it's only a new record score that's added to the list along with its date. I'm wicked proud of it anyway no matter what.
Not that I'm aware of....I think you just have to score better than any of the guys that are listed.

Contacted Joe and was told the top 3 Aggs are now being listed, so the targets went on their way this afternoon for verification.

Thanks for being supportive of sending them in. As I said earlier, I would have never gotten there on my own as I was mistaken on what I was thinking.

You guys continue to amaze me and its been a Hell of a lot of fun following the progression of your shooting discipline since its inception, even though I'm a complete novice and have only shot IHMSA Pistol Silhouette which doesn't require any level of precision comparable to yours.

Really Cool!

This is what we do

You guys continue to amaze me and its been a Hell of a lot of fun following the progression of your shooting discipline since its inception, even though I'm a complete novice and have only shot IHMSA Pistol Silhouette which doesn't require any level of precision comparable to yours.

Really Cool!


Landy, this is what we do when we get too old and infirmed to get into the creedmore position and can't see well enough anymore to shoot open sights in IHMSA silhouette.
Get yourself a Thomas, RAW, or AA S400 MPR-FT and the rest of the benchrest equipment; bags, rest, etc. and enjoy the precision and skill to shoot out the 0.080" X-ring at 25 yards/meters indoors and outdoors. It seems like it should be easier than shooting a smallbore half size 40 in IHMSA silhouette... for myself it has proven to be more difficult and more satisfying to see the results of many days, months, and years of testing guns, pellets, barrels and technique to compete with the top shooters.

I consider myself very lucky to be able to shoot alongside some of the best shooters and friends I have ever experienced in 40+ years of competitive shooting sports.

Mike Aber
IHMSA #33587