Holbrook Double Unlimited, Both SOTY 9/20


Paul Bendix

Holbrook Sportsmens Club,
150 Quincy street
Holbrook, MA

Will have it's final USRA Unlimited matches this year.

On 9/20/2009 this Sunday starting at 9:00 AM.

Gate will be open by 7:45 AM. With bench drawing and setup shortly after.

Both will be SOTY matches.

For the first time this year we might not have a monsoon to shoot in!

A light lunch will be served between the two Unlimited matches.

Hope to see you Sunday.


Still not sure if I'll be there, but I'm gonna try!

Since our last Pinnacle match I've replaced the firing pin spring in my Suhl as I was thinking poor ignition probably has been plaguing me all season, and especially feel that way now after replacing the spring, then comparing the old rim impressions with the new. Night and Day!

I hope to find enough time to get back to my range for a little testing time before jumping into the match, but even if I don't I'll bet I'll be one of the contestants on that firing line come Sunday morning.

And yes, the forecast is for a fantastic day Sunday!!!!

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Hi All,

With apologies to both Paul and Dave I think the Weatherman just hasn't seen this post yet...I do hope you are right, we deserve a nice day to finish up the season.

BUT, just in case, I have put together an equipment list for the average "Paul" match...

Sou' Westers
Snow Shoes and Snow shovels
Change of clothes
Snorkels & Life Preservers

Below (with apologies to Grant Wood's American Gothic) is a picture of a couple of Paul's regular shooters togged out and ready to go...


See you all Sunday, Rain or Shine.

Al :D :p
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I sure wish I could be there to see Al and Penny in person in full "Paul" gear, but I was informed today that I'll be elsewhere in MA. that day...the Big E. I hope Springfield is far enough away from Holbrook to minimize the forces of Mother Nature that you seem to attract on match day!
Al and Penny - you gave me the best laugh of the day!!!!

I'll be there on Sunday.

AL & Penny Thats FUNNY.

I hope the weather man is wrong. I am short 300 feet of hose. If it doesn't rain I will try to have lawn sprinklers running at the firing line. I will also soak the targets over night in my bath tub.

See you Rain, Snow or even if the sun is out.

I don't know why you guys are laff'n, this is serious business! ;)

Todd, remember weather in this neck of the woods usually travels west to east so it has to go over the Big-E before it gets to Holbrook.

Paul, I'll bring the 300 feet of hose your short, but I don't think we'll need it.

One thing I didn't mention, in the picture, if you look carefully to the right you will see the loader for my tractor. This can be used when the snow, or the BS, gets really deep. :eek:
