Hoke Kerns


Fred K

Anyone heard a late word on Hoke ? How is he doing ?
Fred K

Just got off the phone with Hoke. He sounded real good and said that he is doing well. He is going to therapy a couple times a week and says that he is progressing. He shot in the Crawfish and said that he didn't do that good. But Hoke is going to come back, I can guarantee that. We have known Hoke for almost twenty years and he is not a quitter..

Dave Smith
Hoke was shooting at the Crawfish this weekend. You can't keep a good man down, and he is the best.
Good shooting, Jim
This Crawfish shoot was one to remember because of two of my best friends, Hoke kerns and Gary Mitchell. Putting these two "Legends" side by side and add good weather, good shooting and good food, and you have a time to remember. Both are well on their way to wellness and getting back in the game we love so much. Hard to keep these down cause both are fighters of the finest kind. Thumper
Bill that is more good news that Gary was there !!
Fred K