Hillsdale Turnament results


Chuck McNett

Today started not so good,with some rain ,wind from everywhere,no power,We got ready to score with pencil and paper then the power came on so that was a big help.anyway we had 11 shooters make the shoot Tony Harper came from Pen.300+miles It was a pleasure to meet and shoot with him. I thank everyone for all the help I enjoy shooting with all of you.

Tony Harper- T1-2100-T3-2150-T4-2200-T5-2150
Bill Wheeler-T2-2175
Ed Ledbetter-T6-2075

Top 5-agg+points
Tony Harper-2200.333
James Goble-2100.833
Mike Worthington- 2037.167
Chuck McNett Sr.-2024.333
Bill Wheeler-2002.333

Thanks again for the help Chuck

I would like to thank you and all the great guys I met this weekend. The match was well ran and the food simply outstanding.

If anyone is looking to travel to a match to meet a bunch of great guys, you can't do better than to go to Hillsdale Rifle Club, in Osseo, Mi.

Thanks again, Tony