High Speed Steel Lathe Tooling

HSS Tooling

I use a lot of Kasier Thin Bitt Tooling. They too offer custom ground HSS inserts.

Not cheap though.

Nat Lambeth
Hi Nat,

Merry Christmas MY Friend,

I need you to call me when you get a chance about your micrometer. 1-269-521-3671

Mike Warner will sell his inserts one at a time, unlike most of the suppliers. They usually want you to buy a package of 10 and that gets expensive. His inserts are really reasonable. Plus they fit most common tool holders.
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Nice video but it would be nice if at the end you didn't move them out of the camera view while you are talking about the internal threading and grooving tool;).
Just ribbing you a little but I would like to see what you are trying to show us just out of camera view as the detail in the video is very good.


Hi James,

Sometimes I have that very same problem with one shot on the target. It just wanders off for some unknown reason. You have to remember that I'm an old person with limited focusing ability. If you email me at robpas@btc-bci.com, I can send you a few still photos of the tool. It really is a joy to use.

If you go back to the video and look just above the screen, you will see a button that says other videos by poster. You can actually see how well the tool works on SS barrels.
I use the Warner inserts for my threading at home and work both internal and external. The only time I use carbide is for hard or abrasive materials.
I've been using the Warner inserts with their tool holders for some time now. Very nice, especially their threading tool. Well done video!
Just what I was looking for! Also watched the rest of your video's on threading and found them just what I need to get it clarified in the fog of my brain, tooling is on order and thanks!
Hi Bigngreen,

After reading your post, I've helped at least one person and that was the purpose of shooting the videos. Your very welcome.

Thank you very much Bob.
I have a set of 5 turning tools and HSS inserts on order from Arthur Warner as of yesterday.
I use a Quick Change tool holder and carbide indexable inserts.
I too noticed a HSS tool seems to leave a better finish than the carbide insert.
Mainly due to me using slow turning speeds I suppose.

But the inserts are handy and easy to use.
So after watching your video I discovered HSS inserts are available.
I ordered a set of 5 tools immediately after watching the video.
That makes at least 2 of us you have now helped.
Hi, Bob
I stopped the video in the first few seconds after I read the phone number. I ordered 1 insert to try out and Mike told me you have been talking up some new lubricant that is supposed to be far superior to any other and you will soon be selling it. I am setting up to pump oil through the barrel while reaming chambers and I have a new bucket of Mobilmet 766 sitting here about to get mixed with 5 quarts of ATF Type F, what's the new stuff all about? Might I want to send mine back?
BTW: Thanks for the tip on the HSS inserts.
I ground all the tools I ever wanted in high school machine shop class, so, until today I assumed I would always use carbide. Thanks Bob.
Merry Christmas...Jay Cutright
Hi Jay,

I'm tired of spending $95.00 on chambering oil from a certain company in Iowa, so I've spent the last six months working with an oil company formulating a high sulfur content cutting oil for chambering and cutting and tapping. The first few drums arrive this coming Monday. The bottles arrived today and labels should be here next week. This is the very first mentioning of it but since you asked. It's called "Viper's Venom". During all the testing, it's surpassed anything I could get my hands on. I'm using it in the videos and you can see how dark it is and how it works on stainless steel.

Hi again Jay,

Sorry I didn't answer your original question. This cutting oil is thick, just like the old time machinists oil. I wanted an oil that would work on the toughest metals and not get watery when it gets exposed to warm metal. Viper's Venom flows nicely thruout the threads when you need it most and stays on the flat surfaces during turning. I guess, if you have a good pump, on your system it would work fine. Why are you mixing ATF with your oil? Are you trying to thin it out or get a better cutting oil? Check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YxeSbArIQQ and you can see how well this cutting oil stays on the metal and the darkness of it.


I'm using the ATF as an anti galling additive.
Using ATF I don't get the chip weld on my tools like so many have talked about here in the past. I use a blend 0f 25% ATF to 75% Mobilmet 766 & yes I've thought about using more of it to thin the oil but I wont if this pump will handle it the way it is. I plan on finding out this weekend.
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Thank's bob 4 all the help & videos. when can a guy get his hands on some of that cutting oil looks like good stuff. & thank's for the tip on the Hss tooling. nice lathe in the video what brand is it look's like it is well made.

Hi Jdy,

Your very much welcome on the videos. I enjoy making them. I only wish I had some of them when I first started. The Viper's Venom high sulfur cutting oil will be for sale and delivery by Jan. 2nd. There is no way I would ship oil just before the holidays, knowing how packages are handled. If you email me at robpas@btc-bci.com , I will give you all the information on prices and delivery method.

The lathe in the videos is my Grizzly lathe. It's the one with the variable speed control. It is actually the old Turnado lathe made by South Bend. Papa Grizzly made some really nice upgrades to it and changed the color scheme.

With Regards,
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