Hey Wilbur

Francis I think John is referring to a user name and a posting associated with it.
In this land, long ago....

There was a fellow that had read all the magazines, reloaded for years, but sadly, a bit out of date (like myself but worse). He was obviously not (nor had ever been) a benchrest shooter. He chimed in on many a post stating his knowledge (often correct but not pertinent) and folks would reply negatively. He was certain his information was correct (again, it was but not pertinent to benchrest) and POLITELY stood his ground - key word is politely. Well....the members here wasn't having none of that, called him a troll and worse, got downright personal on the fellow and he went away.

Sure..he was in the wrong place...but...what if he was old, not able to get out much and was trying to find some enjoyment talking about a hobby gone by that he truly loved - on the hand me down PC his children set up to get him out of their hair for a few minutes.

Just sayin'
Seems like the only option,

There was a fellow that had read all the magazines, reloaded for years, but sadly, a bit out of date (like myself but worse). He was obviously not (nor had ever been) a benchrest shooter. He chimed in on many a post stating his knowledge (often correct but not pertinent) and folks would reply negatively. He was certain his information was correct (again, it was but not pertinent to benchrest) and POLITELY stood his ground - key word is politely. Well....the members here wasn't having none of that, called him a troll and worse, got downright personal on the fellow and he went away.

Sure..he was in the wrong place...but...what if he was old, not able to get out much and was trying to find some enjoyment talking about a hobby gone by that he truly loved - on the hand me down PC his children set up to get him out of their hair for a few minutes.

Just sayin'

when you can't bite your fingers any longer to keep from replying, is to get up and leave yourself.

Just sayin'
I've written and deleted more posts than I've submitted. Likely, should have deleted a few more (that I wish I had back).
There was a fellow that had read all the magazines, reloaded for years, but sadly, a bit out of date (like myself but worse). He was obviously not (nor had ever been) a benchrest shooter. He chimed in on many a post stating his knowledge (often correct but not pertinent) and folks would reply negatively. He was certain his information was correct (again, it was but not pertinent to benchrest) and POLITELY stood his ground - key word is politely. Well....the members here wasn't having none of that, called him a troll and worse, got downright personal on the fellow and he went away.

Sure..he was in the wrong place...but...what if he was old, not able to get out much and was trying to find some enjoyment talking about a hobby gone by that he truly loved - on the hand me down PC his children set up to get him out of their hair for a few minutes.

Just sayin'

Wiser words were never spoken. Thanks for posting this.
