Hey wilbur:



It is cold and snowy outside, wouldn't this be a great time to stay in and update the ol ir 50/50 website? ;););)

It is cold and snowy outside, wouldn't this be a great time to stay in and update the ol ir 50/50 website? ;););)

I think Wilbur has gone back to save our country with nuclear energy at his old job. Steve, I would not expect much from IR 50/50- just shoot for fun. I plan to see the Tennessee boy at Leonard's for IR 50/50. I hope Leonard can revive the Georgia game along with the appreciated help of Big Mickey.
Bob Pekaar
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With the 2009 season just around the corner it would sure be nice to have the schedules put on line so we know where and when to shoot. I really enjoy shooting IR50/50 but the constant battle to get scores and other information updated gets a little old sometimes.
Are you out there, or has this ship run-a-ground?
Steve, things are pathetic in RBA and IR 50/50. I plan to rejoin RBA; their numbers are pathetic but their secretary is fabulous. IR 50/50 ended with Helen and needs new leadership. I think it would be nice if we had President and officers like the RBA and dues. Right now it's a mess. If we adopt the RBA format with a person as strong as Elizabeth and had a leader, the number of shooters would improve. I get e-mails of every RBA match, sometimes just a day later. The other problem is geographic, with one club holding one match per month and other clubs within a 100 mile area holding multiple matches. The List is the biggest joke I've ever seen. I think it's time to think about things and reorganize. We don't ned the IR 50/50 web site. We can use newsletters like the RBA- yup I know m here come the flames.
Bob Pekaar
Ir 50/50

Dan Killough turned PSL into a major sucess.New leadership, DAN KILLOUGH!
Well Bob. I guess Wilbur would sell the IR deal to you.
Things like scores are too slow sometimes, but I have shot for 40 years in various competitions and it never runs smooth,times a too little toolate and other foul ups.
Wilbur will get it done in time for shooters to know when the major matches will be held. You should be informed enough by your local shooters when the local matches willbe held.
I know the past 3 List winners and when you can beat them
no matter how many matches you attend then you can tell them what a joke winning the List has become.
You can start your own game and if you can get it established in NC and VA and Tenn. I will compete.
Craig make RBA better. Wilbur may make computer improvements to help with scoring etc.
Show up and shoot against DJ,Danny,Allen,Jim,Greg,Kent
Hurley,Craig and a dozen more every weekend and I feel Wilbur will listen to your advice,complaints, and ideas for improvements. I know I will.
Dan Killough turned PSL into a major sucess.New leadership, DAN KILLOUGH!

One match was a sucess! Doesn't mean the whole endevor is a sucess yet. Perhaps it will be, but I'll bet Dan would tell you the jury is probably still out. Hope it works out but I'd think it's a little early to tell yet.
Dan Killough turned PSL into a major sucess.New leadership, DAN KILLOUGH!

I will just about bet you Dan would buy it for the price wilbur gave for it many would! A friend of mine tried to buy it a few years ago without much luck:( It needs something done to bring it back to what it used to be.Jerry
Steve, things are pathetic in RBA and IR 50/50. I plan to rejoin RBA; their numbers are pathetic but their secretary is fabulous. IR 50/50 ended with Helen and needs new leadership. I think it would be nice if we had President and officers like the RBA and dues. Right now it's a mess. If we adopt the RBA format with a person as strong as Elizabeth and had a leader, the number of shooters would improve. I get e-mails of every RBA match, sometimes just a day later. The other problem is geographic, with one club holding one match per month and other clubs within a 100 mile area holding multiple matches. The List is the biggest joke I've ever seen. I think it's time to think about things and reorganize. We don't ned the IR 50/50 web site. We can use newsletters like the RBA- yup I know m here come the flames.
Bob Pekaar

So when do you start the "cranky old bastards who shoot .22's" league? By the way class post, very tastefull.

Well Bob. I guess Wilbur would sell the IR deal to you.
No thanks, I'll take Fannie Mae

Things like scores are too slow sometimes, but I have shot for 40 years in various competitions and it never runs smooth,times a too little to late and other foul ups.

If you shot IR50/50 with Milt and Helen running it, you tone would change[ you're obvioslly very forgiving of incompetence.

Wilbur will get it done in time for shooters to know when the major matches will be held.

Go to the blank web site. He's living in the past.
You should be informed enough by your local shooters when the local matches will be held.

Yup, Ours is posted on a board in a shack- I thing the schedule is supposed to be in by 30 syas preceding the first match of the next year.

I know the past 3 List winners and when you can beat them
no matter how many matches you attend then you can tell them what a joke winning the List has become.

Well Bubba, I've done that- took 9 trips to Bristol and one to Aquadale.

You can start your own game and if you can get it established in NC and VA and Tenn. I will compete.

I'm no fool- I leave that to our leader.

Craig will make RBA better.

Great guy, I cannot question that if he can resolve the differences between Georgia and the MidAtlantic states.

Wilbur may make computer improvements to help with scoring etc.

May? Doug Weeter has been our major scoring asset.

Show up and shoot against DJ,Danny,Allen,Jim,Greg,Kent
Hurley,Craig and a dozen more every weekend and I feel Wilbur will listen to your advice,complaints, and ideas for improvements. I know I will.

Well, you see I've driven to Bristol and other places where they have shot and have beat them. This is not bragging; they are great shooters and they can all be beat. But, I'm not going travel 8 to 11 hours to prove I can shoot. You, living in the mecca of IR50/50 and RBA can travel a much shorter distance and get your butt blown away by these talented people.

As far as I can see, Virginia;NC and NY have to greatest concentration of accessable clubs and will forever dominate the list unlest Harry comes back.

I pray that Craig does well and that there can also be a healing of the ill feelings in Georgia the Central Coastal states.
You're right, schedules are to be in 30 days before the first match. I admit, that I've yet to turn in a schedule for this year. Didn't realize it would irritate so many, or so few, whichever, but I've took the time to coordinate it with the other ranges so I didn't schedule on top of their matches. That wouldn't work because we all support each other's shoots. Not enough shooters to go around, we have to work together. Anyway, it's a nice thought. Don't know if it's the case of many, but I know a few who haven't yet turned in a schedule for 2009.
I apologize to those who are irritated that I haven't yet put up a schedule.
I will try and get it approved and finalized this week.

-For those who haven't noticed, if you go up to the left top corner of the IR50/50 home page the Indoor Nationals coming up has been posted there. Just click on it and the corner folds back. It's relatively new, so some folks may not have noticed it.
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To the 2 or 3 guys who are griping:

Wilbur is one of the most capable people you will find working in benchrest.
He has done more for the sport than most of us can even imagine and he is not through yet. He has other fish to fry just now and it is very early in the season.

50/50 is one of the best organized shooting leagues and it is done by Wilbur with little input by us shooters and match directors.

Wilbur is the hardest working man I have found in this sport. He provides us with a great service. I won't bet against him.

Let us hear no more of this.:)

Concho Bill

I agree that Wilbur is a hell of a nice guy. But, I too would like to see a schedule well before the season starts. Many shooters schedule vacations around major matches. Those who have real jobs need lead time to get those days off. That said, there is still time to get the schedule up "well before the season starts". I have to imagine that keeping up with the website is a major PITA. However, sometimes it's hard to keep the frustrations bottled up, especially for those guys chasing pionts when they want to know where they stand.

I'm going to stick up for Wilbur too, as I understand it he is working contract on a refueling outage at a nuke, I know first hand about the nukes, you work 7-12's until it's over, not any time to do anything else. And you can't turn down the money and they don't last forever, so give him a break. I know Wilbur is doing something because when we sent in our registration fee and schedule, we also ordered targets and we got the targets last week. Thanks, Douglas
Why not contact the ranges directly. I understand this could be somewhat bothersome if you will be shooting at 20 different ranges but it beats waiting around for the cows to come home.

I will be shooting IR50/50 for the first time this year. I wanted to start making plans and saw the schedule was not yet posted on the IR web site. I then went to the sites for each of the 4 ranges I might be shooting at and what do you know, each had their schedule posted.

Personally I am deeply thankful there is an IR50/50 as it is the only game in town where I live (south central MN). I'm hoping to meet some of you up here this summer and look forward to the experience.

Future world record holder IR50/50 Sporter Class :rolleyes:,

The schedule is now posted! Where are all the complainers now? Of course if you really look at the schedule closely, you will notice that there are quite a few missing ranges? Wonder if those MD's even submitted a schedule for Wilbur to post? Wonder if that could have been part of the problem? Ever notice, the one's who shout the loudest never come back to say Thanks when a problem is solved? Why is that? Thumper

The schedule is now posted! Where are all the complainers now? Of course if you really look at the schedule closely, you will notice that there are quite a few missing ranges? Wonder if those MD's even submitted a schedule for Wilbur to post? Wonder if that could have been part of the problem? Ever notice, the one's who shout the loudest never come back to say Thanks when a problem is solved? Why is that? Thumper

I think if you go back to the very first post that started this, you might find that the schedule was not mentioned??
Thanks for Looking!

Yup, You're right Pete, however Updating the "Ol Website" would contain the schedule of events to take place, along with scoring, standings, the List, In the Hat, et al. Can't finish till you start. Not real sure about the "ship running aground" either? Thumper