Herters Variable Target/Varmint Scope



I just acquired a Herters 5-13X40 R-47 rifle scope which seems to be in pretty decent condition. It has an adjustable objective a one inch tube and a cross hair reticle. It's an older scope, the cross hair moves across, up or down through the field of view when the W&E adjustments are moved, like the early internal adjustment Unertl's. The view through the scope is excellent. Can anyone venture an opinion as to when it was made (marked made in Japan) and what it's worth. I'm guessing sometime in the 1950's. That's when the rifle it was on was made. Stroebels book only shows Herter scopes from 1965 on, he says nothing about anything before than. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
There are people who collect Herters' catalogs, and a collector could probably tell you the exact years that scope was offered. I would imagine there is a group somewhere on the 'net of like collectors.
The Herters catalogs were a great piece of creative writing, things like "Used by the royalty of Europe" sprinkled throughout the catalog Jaques (sp?) Herters had a very creative imagination and no praise was too much for his products in his mind.
Mr. Brown, thanks for the response. I've been looking but no luck so far. The closest I've come so far when searching is to find your answer on about page four of the search !! There's a couple of blurbs about Herter U-9's and Herter decoys but nothing remotely related to any scope's they may have sold. My copy's of the AR for the 1950's haven't yielded anything either. Whatever.