Herb LLewellyn takes the lead at the Bud Pryor match.

Dick Grosbier

Club Coordinator
In somewhat difficult conditions Herb Llewellyn laid down a fine 250-24x score in VFS setting the pace for the 19th Bud Pryor. David Apple followed closely with 250-23x. Dean Breeden and Gary Long are dukeing it out in HTR class with Dean firing a very nice 250-17x and Gary one x behind him.
With rain about 80% of the day it wa not exactly a beautiful day. Conditions were calm for approximately the first three matches but fast changing, switch wind caused many lost point as the end ot the 100 yd agg approached.

Today the fun starts again at 9am and 200 yds,

detailed results can be found at http://internationalbenchrest.com/results/score/2013/TCSC/Bud/19Bud.php
