Herb Llewellyn shoots 250-25x at IBS Score Nationals

Dick Grosbier

Club Coordinator
It was a nice warm but slightly humid day today for the 100 yard stage of the iBS Score Nationals. We had 63 guns on the line. Conditions started out quite calm but as the day went on the wind picked up to strong and switching constantly. This did not deter Herb Llewelly and he managed to shoot 5x targets all day. He was followed very closely with a 250-24x score by soon to be 13 years Kevin Donalds Jr. Kevin shot his own set of 25x targets earlier this year. As far as I know these are the only 25x scores shot in IBS his season.
Dean Breeden was top Score in Hunter class with 250-17x

Full 100yd results are available at InternationalBenchrest.com
Holy CRAP!! That is some great shooting and to do it at the Nationals is something special unto itself.
Thanks for the update, Dick. Wish I could be there with you guys.
Congrats, Herb, you have been on a tear this summer!

There is a picture of the winners on the IBS site, and I swear, I think you are smiling!
Her Llewellyn Wins IBS Score Nationals

Herb Kept it going today and won the Grand Aggregate with a Fine 500-36x Score, Kim Llewellyn took 2nd with 34x just edging out Randy Jarvais who also had 34x.

Gary Long won the Hunter Grand with a score of 497-22x.

Dean Breeden won the 2 gun with a 996-51x score, more detailed results are available on the IBS webpage. Because of computer malfunction compete detailed results are not yet available.