Herb Llewellyn "Clean Sweeps" Vermont Metic Championship.

Dick Grosbier

Club Coordinator
July 6-7 The St. Johnsbury Vermont club (Caledonia Forest & Stream) held there 100/200 Meter championship match. It was well attended with 36 Guns on the line. Herb Llewellyn , Rocky Murray and Kim Llewellyn all shot 250-21x at 100m, but Herb was first by Creedmore. Sunday Herb & Rocky were neck & neck all day as well with Herb eventually edging Rocky out by one X with a 250-12 Score. In Hunter class Dr. Bill Sargent won both days turning in a 492-18x score to win the Hunter Grand. Final standings in VFS class were.

Herb Llewellyn 500-33x
Rocky Murray 500-32x
Allie Euber 500-22x

Full results are at http://internationalbenchrest.com/results/score/2013/Vermont/Metric/StJ706.php

Congratulations to Herb and Rocky on some real fine shooting.

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Everybody loves a nail biter. Good shooting guys.

Matt Guthrie