Henry Pinkney Memorial Challenge at Sac Valley


Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters held the Henry Pinkney Memorial Unlimited Challenge this weekend, Oct 1 &2 at Sac Valley Shooting Center
Match was schueled for Labor Day weekend, but was cancelled due to excessive CA heat wave
This was to honor a great friend and shooter who passed way to early.

Weather was great, attendance was lacking. Been a hard year to draw shooters back in.

We shot ten groups at 100 on Sat and ten at 200 Sunday.
We had three bag gunners on Sat, Ron Chisick won the 100 yard Grand Agg with a .3746 Agg. Ron had small group also with a .216. Ron did not shoot Sunday so we only had two Bag gunners. Robert Wademan won the 200 Yard Agg with a .5378 and a .501 small group. Geoff Wharton the other bag gunner won the Grand Agg with a .5131.

We had six UNL shooters to battle it out the prized Henry Pinkney Trophy.

100 Yard small group went to Michael Taner with a .095 . But Ron Pepper won the 100 Agg with a .2324 holding off Francis Lee with a .2341. A really close battle after ten groups. It started out calm but continued to pick up wind all day. Match winners ran the board as the wind won, .095 - .143 - .174 - .192 - .187 - .145 - .170 - .108 - .230 - .204

200 Yard small group went to Ron Pepper with a .246. Match winners ran the board as the wind won, .270 - .246 - .391 - .584 - .345 - .616 - .411 - .328 - .710 - .565. In the end, Dan Lutke won the 200 yard Agg with a .2903 Agg, Greg Wilson was second with a .3233,and Ron Pepper was third with a .3300.
Greg Wilson shot a new Rail gun he made in his shop, Ron Pepper shot a Young that actually was Henry Pinkney’s old rail gun. Dan Lutke shot a Powell, and Francis Lee shot a Hasacuster

The UNL Grand Agg after 20 groups saw Greg Wilson in third with a .3013, Ron Pepper was second with a .2812, and First Place went to Dan Lutke with a .2655 Grand Agg

Sat Winners

R to L Ron Chisick - Ron Pepper - Franncis Lee

Sun Winners

L to R - Ron Pepper - Dan Lutke - Greg Wilson - Geoff Wharton - Robert Wademan

Next month is our 20th Anniversary Match on Nov 5&6 LV/HV
Hope to see some old faces and get out attendance up

Dan Lutke
Match Director
Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters