Henry Chapman Wins Maine 100-200 Yard IBS State Score Shoot


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this past weekend. Henry, 84, from Washington, ME showed the crowd how to do it with a fine 500-25X in some very subtly tricky conditions, followed by John Cascarino in second place with a 500-21X. Randy Jarvais was third with a 499-26X. The thing of marvel is that Henry managed, for the entire weekend, to keep all his shots on HIS record targets! Henry is affectionately know in this neck of the woods as "Crossfire Henry"! He is, by far, our State Champion in that arena too.

Congratulations Henry and it couldn't happen to a nicer fellow! Have a Scotch or two to celebrate. --Greg

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He wanted a single malt as the awards were being handed out. Sort of convinced him to wait till he got home. Great job Henry! It was nice to see you shoot your own target all day,(LOL!) and it was nice to see somebody else win for a change. I'm getting tired of that 75 year old guy from Cornville winning all the time! Sorry Randy that I had to spill the beans on your real age, I was forced to. Stephanie was holding a gun to my head and she forced me to say that, although u look remarkably young for your age. LOL! U did a great job as usual and so did my fellow countryman John Cascarino!
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