Today Mason and myself went down to the 500 yard range. We were shooting some steel plates and some groups trying out different loads. I decided i would shoot a 500 yard group to see how this particular load would do. I havent gotten the chance to shoot this load at 100 yet so i didnt know what to expect. Wind wasnt bad but the mirage was. I was doing my best to shoot to condition. I was pretty pleased with what i found after we went down range to look at the targets. I am pretty pleased with this rifle and how it shoots so far. I only have around 75 rounds down the pipe. As you will see 4 out of the 5 shots are stacked up in an almost straight line. What causes vertical like this and is there anything i can do to help overcome it. Is it a simple as hand measuring each load? I used an rcbs electric powder dispenser for these loads today. The load i shot today is this-
32.2gr RE15
105gr Berger
fed match primer
set 6thou into the lands
6mm dasher 8.5 twist Brux barrel stiller predator action, shehane 1000 yard stock. any ideas would be great. I wish i had more ammo to shoot another group to see if this was a fluke. I would like to think it isn't,but i dont know that for sure! The other marks on the target are from last weekends varmint match. Thanks Lee
32.2gr RE15
105gr Berger
fed match primer
set 6thou into the lands
6mm dasher 8.5 twist Brux barrel stiller predator action, shehane 1000 yard stock. any ideas would be great. I wish i had more ammo to shoot another group to see if this was a fluke. I would like to think it isn't,but i dont know that for sure! The other marks on the target are from last weekends varmint match. Thanks Lee
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