Help with tuning


Big Shurl

You guys may be able to help me out. How do you test your ammo? I was told recently to take my tuner off the rifle. The lot that shot best with the tuner off would be the best with the tuner on my rifle. Is this true. If true it would save a lot of ammo and time than trying to tune the gun with each lot adjusting the tuner as I go. What's the best way to test ammo?
I guess my question is how do you guys test ammo. I've shot about ten or fifteen RBA and ARA matches. I've been ordering my ammo from midway one brick at a time and just tuning whatever they sent me. I'm ready to step up to true ammo testing and buying. Any help you folks could give would be a great help.
Perhaps, but how often do you shoot a target without the tuner? Me, I'll leave the tuner on and leave it locked where I found it to be most accurate ie least amount of vertical spread. I do my final tuning with three different speeds of ammo.

How to test ammo? In calm conditions similar to what you will shoot in ie temp, indoor/outdoor etc. shoot a few sighters out of a clean barrel then shoot a few groups to see what they look like. If promising shoot a few more and then most of a card to see how it works. You will know if its any good or not before you open the second box. If not promising then on to the next test lot, and on and on. I clean between test lots. Do not expect what works best at 75 degrees outside is going to work just as well indoors at 45-50 degrees. Last weekend was a good example. Some of us (that be me!) really struggled in The Barn. I took several different lots with me. What worked well for me on Thursday and Friday let me down big time on Sunday, but it worked pretty well on Saturday. Nothing I had with me worked on Sunday. How one can shoot 2200's on Saturday and only 1500's on Sunday is one of the most frustrating parts of this game. The last time I tested lots of Eley out of 15 test lots (9 black and 6 red box if I remember correctly) there were two I wanted to buy more of. Out of two test lots of Midas + one was real good and one was junk. bob

ps The instructional videos on the PSL web site give a different take on things. Watch em and you will have some different viewpoints.
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Thanks Mr Finger, don't feel bad you beat me by three positions this weekend.
Noob here
Have a link to the PSL site or what it stands for?