Help with a Lyman Permacenter scope



Hi All,

I just acquired an older Lyman Permacenter scope, 20X, with target dot. What seems unique about it are the turrets which are in the aluminum "white" and which rise well above the usual turrets. The tops of the turrets are spring loaded and it seems as though one must pull outward on the turret top to adjust the scope. I'd include a picture here if I knew how but if anyone is willing to instruct me on the function of the scope and is willing to contact me off list at, I'd be happy to send a pic of the scope in the hopes that I'd be more informed. Thanks.
I have a set of those for leupold somewhere -my set is black.
This was an aftermarket screw on piece for non target adjustment scopes.
You just replace the original caps with this .
If you remove -unscrew you will find normal Lyman adjustments.

The spring loaded feature keeps a bar in the slot of the original adjustment .
Just turn.

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Lyman knobs

Thanks, Glenn. I'll have a closer look.

Glenn has the answer regarding the turrets on your scope.
When Lyman first came out with the short target scope they had the "coin" sloted adjustments then in use. In the rush to keep up with Leupold who had a target scope out with short turrets Lyman neglected to make tall finger operated turret adj. These were not saisfactory for target work so a couple of companies came out with the screw on replacements you have. Lyman then brought out the LWBR (Light Weight Bench Rest) scope which was the same basic scope but with 1/8 min adjustments available and it was factory fitted with nice tall turrets and caps.
You have a late All-American or very early LWBR with early replacement turrets. Great scope either way.

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