Help Selling a rifle



I inherited a light varmint bench rifle from Dad. He never completed he just liked playing around with accurate rifles. It is a Stiller Viper left bolt, right port in 30BR with a spare 6BR barrel. I know he bought it used a few years ago and hardly shot it. If his records are correct it has less than 900 rounds on the 30BR barrel and less than 300 on the 6BR barrel. I am wondering if anyone can put me in touch with someone whole deals in these kind of rifles and maybe a ballpark price so I know if I'm being treated fair or not.
The short answer is, there're worth whatever you can get for them. The longer answer is a bit more. You might talk to Bob White at Shooter's Corner. Bob will probably buy if from you but he will be looking to resell for a profit. He may be willing to give you a valuation, I don't know. You can watch the guns for sale on and here on benchrest central. I recently sold 3 LB, RP, RE light varmint rifles. 2 were Pandas and the 3rd a BAT. I sold them for a little less than I thought they were worth, but the widow I was selling them for wanted them gone. Even at what I thought was a reduced price they didn't go quick. Also, there are a couple of LB Stillers on right now and they must be priced a little high because they aren't moving. If you'd like to send me an email, I'll tell you what I got for the BAT and Pandas. We can discuss your options as well. You can reach me at:
or you can call if you like 615-405-8622

Left bolt...Right port eh...I for one would like to know where you decide to list it.
Hello Birch1007
If your Dad lives in PA I might have sold him that Rifle and might be interested in
buying it from you If Your last name begins with R and it is a Black McMillan Edge Stock
let me know how to get in touch with you and we can talk
Thanks Dennis