Help scoring A-36 Targets



The sighters in the middle of the target look as though they have values for the associated rings. If values are assigned you may choose best edge or worst edge scoring. If there are no values assigned to the rings then, I would say, you are free to assign any value you like. Then again, I may be entirely wrong. Have fun.


I just re-read your post and it dawned on me that you may not have purchased the targets. In order to clarify my post let me say that I am not familiar with that particular target but to me it appears, from the picture, that the rings are assigned values. I hope this helps.
Did some research on that target. It’s a small boar target meant for use at 50 feet.
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The barely visible dot in the center has a value of "10" . and as the rings progress larger they are 9, 8, 7 and so no.

To properly score for a "10" value hit you need a special scoring gage. As I remember, if the gage cuts inside the 8 ring, you have hit the 10 dot. Champion Shooters Supply or Champions Choice can probably supply it. You need a second
gage to score the rest of the rings. We scored best side hit. It's the gage typically use to score the A -17 50 ft. target

20 years ago I coached our high school rifle team (guess those days are long gone now based on the current climate in this country) and the A-36 is what we shot on. It was three position Olympic style shooting 1/4 course. 10 shots prone, standing, and kneeling, iron sights, 50 ft indoor gallery. Some of the kids could shoot 280+ scores for the three positions. The idea was to get the kids to a level where they might get a shooting scholarship to a college that had a rifle team.


Steve Kostanich
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