Help pillar bedding



I have a Remington SA that I am building a rifle on. I want to pillar bed it. I am from the old old school and have glass bedded many actions, I have never pillar bedded one. I have the machinery, just need a few questions asnwered.
1. Where should the pillars stop with relation to the action? i.e. touching the action? Matched to it's radial contour? etc.
2. Where should the pillars stop with relation to the trigger guard assembly and action screws?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You can roughly contour them to the action or not.. you should be bedding on top of them anyway. I have the bottom of them touching the bottom metal while it is held in place with tape. Then with headless screws that go into the action and hang out through the bottom metal, and tape within the barrel channel to center and hold the barrel I just let it all lay there with no stress as the epoxy cures. Unscrew the headless screws and the action will lift out quite easily. I have taped clearance on the bottom, sides and front of the recoil lug. Then you just need to drill out the center of the pillars for screw clearance (.257") ...

I use 1/2 inch round aluminum stock and drill the stock holes 1/32 over that. The action screws are undersize .250" and the first holes in the pillars are .246".
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I have a Remington SA that I am building a rifle on. I want to pillar bed it. I am from the old old school and have glass bedded many actions, I have never pillar bedded one. I have the machinery, just need a few questions asnwered.
1. Where should the pillars stop with relation to the action? i.e. touching the action? Matched to it's radial contour? etc.
2. Where should the pillars stop with relation to the trigger guard assembly and action screws?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Heres a link to my process. Theres a lot of pictures or I would have posted it in this responce.

Pillar Bedding
Thank you both very much for the timely replies. I think I can do this just fine now.