Help needed in locating a replacement bolt for an old Shilen DGA


M Casselton

Sent my action to Shilen to replace the bolt handle and shroud. Had the replacement parts with the action. People at Shilen say they cannot locate their jig to replace the handle. They may be able to do the shroud though. :(

What's a guy to do?

Two options in my opinion:

1. Get the action and parts back and send it to someone else who might be able to install the handle properly. Pay to install it and then pay to get the handle finished. Sub option is to install an aftermarket handle that does not need finish work.

2. Find someone who has a bolt laying around and see if they will sell it for a reasonable price. PPC, 222 or 308 sizes OK with me.

I realize that part of this is like a classified ad. However, I don't think the request would reach the right person who may have one laying around.

Any info or leads would be greatly appreciated. I can be contacted at 813-205-5424 or

Thanks all
Got a call this morning frome Wade Hull. We discussed the problem with the bolt and due to the fact that someone in its previous life butchered it it and also sleeved it, replacing the handle might cause the sleeves to come loose. I elected to leave the bolt handle as is for now. He polished up a handle and shroud for me to send back with the action. It is in the brown truck on the way back to me.

I want to publicly thank the folks at Shilen for taking care of me as best that they could considering the age of the action and the circumstances with the bolt. They have a lifelong customer with me.

As far as trying to get another bolt, I would still like to do that since I am trying to restore the action to as new condition as possible. I know that Kiff can supply a new bolt, but I cannot afford that on my disability income.

Again, thank you Wade and everyone at Shilen

No other way to say it,....Wade and the folks at Shilen are good people. BR is full of folks like him, thankfully. Wish the rest of the world was such.

Hate to say it but you won't find a cheaper method than PTG for a bolt. Did Wade mention if he had any new bolts or not? I was thinking that they had some unfinished actions and bolts that were basically complete, just needed a handle put on. I may have heard wrong.
