Help me answer this question...


cook and bottle washer
I received this email and don't know directions to the range:

"We are interested in the June 11-12 bench rest 1000 yd shoot.

Would you please inform us how to get to the range.

Your info says Missoula MT – would you please be more specific"

Can anyone offer directions, website, contact, etc...??
Well I agree with the folks who asked Wilbur for help...... IMO this is some pi$$-poor directions to a shooting venue.

From the listed website

The range is located outside of Missoula, Montana. Please contact Bill Brown for additional info. 406-880-0203

1000 yard line 46°55’35.03” N 114°14’45.40” W, elevation 3355 feet.

I mean how hard is it these days to pin it to a map on your website? I'm a self-proclaimed Luddite and even I can do better'n "call Bill" LOL!

I'ma' try it.....wish me luck!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d46.9263972!4d-114.2459444
Been there done that.
It ain't hard.
Nice town, good folks, good food.
The 1000 yd range is over but separate from the short ranges.
I typed some comments but realized I was talking about myself as I didn't say what needed saying.

You're right on the money alinwa!
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I always use the Kona Ranch Road as a major landmark,,,,once you get there and cross that bridge over the Clark Fork river you favor to the right along the river on the Big Flat rd,,,,,and you then take the Deep Creek rd up the big hill,,!!!!......Roger
Thanks Y'all!

I forwarded the info and received nothing in thanks, Kiss my XXX, nothing... I'll keep doing it but pretty soon I'll be the only one.
Wilbur,,,,dont be dis-apointed,,,,we all give info and advice and directions ,,and never get any acknowledgement of wherther or not it worked,,or was recieved ,,,I call people like that ask holes",,,,I try to answer inquirys with the hope that many others will gain insight about the subject,,,,not necessarily the OP !!!...thank YOU for all of your many efforts....Roger
Wilbur,,,,dont be dis-apointed,,,,we all give info and advice and directions ,,and never get any acknowledgement of wherther or not it worked,,or was recieved ,,,I call people like that ask holes",,,,I try to answer inquirys with the hope that many others will gain insight about the subject,,,,not necessarily the OP !!!...thank YOU for all of your many efforts....Roger

that's friggin beaudiful, "askholes"..........brings a liddle tear to the corner of me polite
Folks asking directions and not following up with a thanks doesn't bother me much. What wears me out is a guy who will ask a question on a forum and tell you what he's intending to do. Then he gets pages of very good reasons why his plan won't work (this from people who know what they are doing -been there, done that) or the plan just isn't sound. Then he shows up at the end and says he's gonna do what he intended in the first place. "ask holes", I like that, think I'll steal it.
