Help from around LAX


New member
Hi all,
I'm trying to find a friendly shop or gunsmith who is not too far from LAX. I need some projectiles and a barrel or two and want to bring them back to New Zealand when I come through the states early April. I am happy to purchase through them or see them right for facilitating this.
Can anyone help or point me in the right direction?

Many thanks.
both items require export paper work. not sure if a local gun shop is gonna be ready for this. bruno's is probably the closest i can think of...easy to be wrong here.


I assume you'd want to collect and take on the plane ? I can't help but wonder if that isn't going to be more bother than it is worth.

I asked Sinclair to send some bullets to a hotel in Las Vegas a while ago so I could bring them home with me. They wouldn't even send them because they knew they'd end up being taken out of the country with no export documentation.

I recently got Kelbly's to send me two chambered, fitted and polished Kreigers, thread caps, grease, vice and wrench. The whole lot was $1160USD if I recall with $110 of that being freight. With the dollar the way it is they ended up no more expensive than getting the barrels sent over and fitted up here. Granted the chambers they do may not match whatever dies etc you may have.

I'd bet that Kelbly's would handle some bullets in with a barrel order as well.

They do exceptional work and if they are to fit your Panda they can do it with no need to have your rifle. Just tell them what you want, taper and length or maximum weight, brand, twist, grooves etc and they will send you what you need.

If you don't have them already I have the barrel vice and action wrench if you want or need to do something in the meantime.
