I am looking for a Bruce Baer heavy gun rest if anyone has one they would like to sale let me
know. mhanes@yadtel.net
know. mhanes@yadtel.net
Bruce stopped making them some years back Vinny. Iirc, you have one,and you can pretty much look at it and see there's more work in it than there is money. If ya charge what they're worth, somebody'd give you a reputation for gouging.Why not just buy one from Bruce?
They had a disagreement and Bruce never got anymore rests.
Jefferson bought my rest and I will send Wilbur the money for an ad as I know we are not supposed to conduct business on these forums.
I was using as many as 3 bags of shot to make the rest weigh in at 129 pounds without the gun.
I have since received a mold from Bob Dorton for making 22 lead pound ingots that are somewhat flat and way more compact than the shot bags.I dip them in red Plasti-Dip so they don't scratch the red paint and look like part of the rest.
On the six feet that hold the rest in place on the bench I had Jay McMunn remove the factory points then bore holes in them and install armour piercing cores out of some old 30-06 rounds.They have been ground flat on one side so the trapped air and epoxy can escape without them popping back out.This combination of armour piercing tips and 88 pounds of extra lead along with a 75 pound rifle is now rock solid on the bench.
I will send Jefferson the weights as well.