Lucky Shooter A
I need to slightly increase the headspace on a 6BR chamber----shining up the case heads-----for a barrel that is a good shooter.
My practice----right or wrong----has been to assure at least a slight crush fit for new cases and to use the GO gauge to establish a reference to repeat the chamber dimensions on other barrels. I left this one a little too short.
The barrel came out of the lathe with the set-up still good and should go back in OK. I work through the headstock and use a homemade Mike Bryant pusher.
Would appreciate any recommendations on a good way to do this-----with or without lube, etc.
A. Weldy
My practice----right or wrong----has been to assure at least a slight crush fit for new cases and to use the GO gauge to establish a reference to repeat the chamber dimensions on other barrels. I left this one a little too short.
The barrel came out of the lathe with the set-up still good and should go back in OK. I work through the headstock and use a homemade Mike Bryant pusher.
Would appreciate any recommendations on a good way to do this-----with or without lube, etc.
A. Weldy