Hawkeye Borescopes


Who has the best prices on Hawkeye borescopes?

Also, is the Nova light source worth the extra bucks?


Lester Bruno probably sells the most Hawkeyes and most times has the better prices.

If your eyesight is not the best and/or you want to look at minute details in the bore this light is a good feature. Looking at a bore for chamber/bore conditions and inspecting chamber alignment, carbon/copper buildup, things like that, can be seen with the standard penlight that comes with the basic unit well enough.
You can get an LED upgrade for the mini mag flashlight for around ten bucks. I bought mine at Fry's electronics and have seen them at Lowe's. It is quite bright. I installed one as soon as I opened the box on the Hawkeye.
Bore scope

I bought one from Bruno, just under $700. This was last year. Later on I up graded to the L.E.D light. Wow, what a difference!!!! Some much so that I almost had a new friend. He was showing me his .222 Remington in a Model 700 classic. Gees, that Remmy barrel looked a Little bad. Found a inclusion ( a black pit ) in the barrel. My, my, the things you don't want to see. Is it worth the money??? Oh yes in deed.

Mark D. Spencer:D
Ditto on the LED

I found the LED upgrade at Wal Mart while scouting their non existent gun section. It's made by an outfit called Nite Eyes, or something like that if I recall. They also make a switch for the Maglight that goes on the rear end which might be handy.

Checked out a customers Savage .204 Ruger with my newly Nite Eyed Borescope a few weeks ago, and it seems a lot brighter. The cross over reamer and drill marks showed up much better. It was so bad I thought it was a Remington!
Best source

For the basic 17" unit, Bruno's is hard to beat. If you want to upgrade later to the Hard case and Nova Light , you can.
Nova lightsource

Who has the best prices on Hawkeye borescopes?

Also, is the Nova light source worth the extra bucks?



I bought a Hawkeye with the Nova lightsource and it's definitely brighter and whiter than the standard Mag Light. I just found out about this LED upgrade and it's a hell of alot cheaper than the Nova. If I were you, I would go with the LED bulb and save money. If I remember correctly, the Nova lightsource was about $150 more.

Something else to consider. I bought the 22" light with the Nova source and hardcase. With a custom barrel, I'm really only interested in the throat area and occassionally the crown. In restrospect, I could have made do with the basic unit, a shorter light tube, and saved money.
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I found the LED upgrade at Wal Mart while scouting their non existent gun section. It's made by an outfit called Nite Eyes, or something like that if I recall. They also make a switch for the Maglight that goes on the rear end which might be handy.

Checked out a customers Savage .204 Ruger with my newly Nite Eyed Borescope a few weeks ago, and it seems a lot brighter. The cross over reamer and drill marks showed up much better. It was so bad I thought it was a Remington!

I just did the Wally world upgrade. In a few words, wear your sunglasses! Mine is so bright it glares and I can't see squat without my sunglasses on.
$6.00 bucks from Wally world, seems a little cheaper than $150.00.
Happy for the tip, thanks.