There is little discount on the hawkeye, Lester Bruno has the best deal. Look at the model with the 90 Deg eyepiece.
Its the best bang for the buck.
Hi all , Thanks for the info.. Bruno's has it with all the bells and whistles for $880 so i will go with that .. Can this be connected up to a laptop so you can see it on a bigger screen??..JR
Yes, it can be connected to a laptop, or a camera (easier), or a video camera. I made an adaptor to connect the normal adjustable focus straight eyepiece to my old Nikon 990. It looks like this:
Took this picture of a brand new never fired factory barrel with this setup ...
Try it, you'll like it!
Fitch, when did Nicholson Files start making barrels??
Yuck, what a crappy looking bore!!