Hawkeye Borescope?


New member
Hi all Where's the best place to purchase a Hawkeye borescope ,also which model??..JR..Jeff Rogers
There is little discount on the hawkeye, Lester Bruno has the best deal. Look at the model with the 90 Deg eyepiece.
Its the best bang for the buck.
Any nice used one out there anywhere? After talking with a friend of mine who looked down one of my barrels, it sounds like i better get one, and fast!! Lee
Jeff, I have one without the 90-degree angled eyepiece. I do have the tube with the mirror that fits over the basic unit & lets you see a 90-degree section in the bore. That latter, you need. I've never felt I'm missing anything without the "Angled eyepiece," though.

That is


Nice, but sure not needed. FWIW, Joel's is like mine (i.e., I lent him mine, and he returned it sooner that I expected, 'cause he bought one).
I don't have the angled eyepiece either, maybe someday down the road I'll get bored with what I have.
The std Hawkeye is an education and worth every dime. I can't imagine using a hawkeye that doesn't have
a 45 degree mirror at the end and wasn't aware they could be bought that way.
Bob if you take off the outer tube you will be looking straigh down the bore, instead of 90 deg.
I bet you know this. I didn't know you could buy one without that outer tube either.
I think the bottom of the line in the cardboard box even has the outer sleeve
Skeet , what you will see will amaze you. You think it's clean after you look thru the bore scope you will see it's not.
If your like most of us you will get an education. At the supeshoot they scope your barrel free and let you take a look.
They also have afree DVD that you can have , It shows differnt thing in the barrel
Hi all , Thanks for the info.. Bruno's has it with all the bells and whistles for $880 so i will go with that .. Can this be connected up to a laptop so you can see it on a bigger screen??..JR
Hi all , Thanks for the info.. Bruno's has it with all the bells and whistles for $880 so i will go with that .. Can this be connected up to a laptop so you can see it on a bigger screen??..JR

Yes, it can be connected to a laptop, or a camera (easier), or a video camera. I made an adaptor to connect the normal adjustable focus straight eyepiece to my old Nikon 990. It looks like this:


Because the borescope is so long, and so fragile, and the camera and barrel are heavy, I made up a camera sled and a place to set the barreled action so there was no chance of the camera's weight bending the scope. This was really easy to do with the Nikon.


Took this picture of a brand new never fired factory barrel with this setup ...


And this picture of the throat in my Savage 7mmMAG after 30 rounds to see if the breakin was complete:


Try it, you'll like it!

Yes, it can be connected to a laptop, or a camera (easier), or a video camera. I made an adaptor to connect the normal adjustable focus straight eyepiece to my old Nikon 990. It looks like this:

Took this picture of a brand new never fired factory barrel with this setup ...


Try it, you'll like it!


Fitch, when did Nicholson Files start making barrels??

Yuck, what a crappy looking bore!!
Fitch, when did Nicholson Files start making barrels??

Yuck, what a crappy looking bore!!

It sure is. I've seen a couple more barrels from the same manufacturer (with a reputation for accuracy) that looked as bad and one that was definitely even worse - it has about 4" of that file tooth completely lining the bore a few inches from the muzzle - literally the bore looked like an annular file. I still have that barrel and use it to demonstrate what one can find in a factory barrel. I won't buy a rifle with out looking in the bore with the borescope.

I've not seen any Remingtons that bad, but I've seen them with remarkably assymetrical throats and truly gross crowns. While I've seen some remarkably good bores in Savages and Remingtons, I've never seen an ugly bore in a CZ257 and I've looked in quite a few of them. I've also seen one factory barrel in a CR Daley .22 Hornet (on a rimfire action) that was almost a smooth bore - only had the faintest trace of rifeling on one side for nearly the full length, and no rifling at all in the rest.

A borescope is an amazingly useful tool.

Buyng a bore scope

I bought my borescope(s) 7" and 22" with both straigh and 90 degree capability, immediately after the Shot Show. Got a great price think it was $400 less than retail. Looking to buy a video adapter now.

Nat Lambeth