Hawkeye Borescope - WOW WOW WOW

It Does Not Lie-----one look with that is equal to 1000 expert opinions!!!!:)

It Does Not Lie-----one look with that is equal to 1000 expert opinions!!!!:)

It cuts through many myths and opinions. I monitor break in, throat erosion, cleaning technique, etc. and consider it an essential tool if you want to really know what's going on inside your bore.
Very useful tool! And you can get a 1/2 watt LED upgrade for the mini-mag light at some stores, or on line, that doubles the light output.
I bought 2 different LED conversion kits at REI. One has 3 leds and the other has a single that I think is 1 watt. I definitely like the pushbutton switch for the back of the maglight.

ETA, I haven't used either of the led conversions in my borescope as I think the original light is fine. I will eventually install one of them. I did convert my toolbox maglight to the 3 bulb led and it is very bright.
Since becoming involved with benchrest twenty years ago, I would say that the two items of equipment that have revealed more to me than anything else have been my Oehler 35 Chronograph and my borescope.

I was fortunate to obtain one of the Fibertron, German-made borescopes from Bill Gebhardt while they were available. By the way, if you own one of these units, you have no doubt learned that replacement bulbs are no longer available. I have found a solution. If you have questions, please contact me.


Gene Beggs

Without a doubt, the single most valuable purchase I've made in a lot of years. Recently was able to borescope a barrel on a new, unfired rifle, made an offer on what I saw, first-hand ( a hand-lapped barrel of the highest quality, and I've looked at hundreds), paid a reasonable price, and did not get the proverbial "pig-in-a-poke". The rifle is one of my best, but how would I have known what to expect w/o the "Hawkeye"? Invaluable in determining what cleaning procedures and solvents work, ( and more importantly ) which do not. I laugh when some make outrageous claims, when knowing nothing about what the bore really looks like, up close and personal. Ever wonder why you seldom see a used one offered for sale?

Without a doubt, the single most valuable purchase I've made in a lot of years. Recently was able to borescope a barrel on a new, unfired rifle, made an offer on what I saw, first-hand ( a hand-lapped barrel of the highest quality, and I've looked at hundreds), paid a reasonable price, and did not get the proverbial "pig-in-a-poke". The rifle is one of my best, but how would I have known what to expect w/o the "Hawkeye"? Invaluable in determining what cleaning procedures and solvents work, ( and more importantly ) which do not. I laugh when some make outrageous claims, when knowing nothing about what the bore really looks like, up close and personal. Ever wonder why you seldom see a used one offered for sale?

It will certainly dispel the outrageous claims and opinions. It is a real decision maker when thinking about buying a used rifle.