Hawke scopes


James Allen

Some few years ago I purchased a Hawke scope, Varmint II. It is a 8 X 32 power and 42 or 44 obj, can't recall just now. Admittedly I bought it wanting the magnification and a cheap price. I didn't expect much and the optics delivered what I expected. At full power the contrast is miserable unless it is in bright light so I dial it back to about 24x. I can pick out hits at 200yds so it serves its purpose. What I was impressed about was the ruggedness of the scope and the repeatablility. It is mounted on a .308 bolt gun and has close to a thousand rounds fired. It has always held its zero. I can fire a group and if not on poa, stablilize the rifle and dial the reticle into the poi and it will be right on for the next group and hold it. If it wasn't for the poor optics I would be singing it's praises but then it was their bottom end scope price wise.

I am about to purchase another scope and the newer Hawkes are reasonably priced and come with good reviews. Has anyone out there had experience with this brand? I have the 8 X 32 side focus in mind. Also, I am just a benchrest shooter not a hunter and currently don't compete.
Buy a used Weaver T-36 or a Sightron. You'll be much happier.