Have I created a problem for myself by switching to R17



Hi folks

Just want to pick your brains and see what would you folks do under these circumstances

I have a F class rifle in 6 x 47 Lapua which is dedicated for 600 yards
it's has a 26 inch Lilja 1 in 8 tube on a BAT

I have been throwing 105 Berger VLD using 4350 with tight ES and SD around 37.2 grains

After having read about Reloader 17 I decided to give it a go and manage to find a good node around 41.4 having started at 37.0 grains.

Surprisingly there is nothing right in between 37.0 and 41.4 grains !

Here is my question

4350 resulting in good ES and SD around 2920 FPS
R17 resulting in similarly good ES and SD around 3245 FPS

Both loads are well within the BAT's capability with no sign of pressure

I am now worried about barrel wear

Have I created a problem I never had before or have I created an advantage in bucking the wind and less dialing in with my scope if the need ever arises

What would you guys do

Use the faster load ONLY for windy days and carry on competing with 4350 at lower velocity for a longer barrel life ?


PS I shoot exclusively in Bisley in UK and wind is always a big issue on century range

It's churlish of me, I know. But I like to win. Winning is more important to me than the rate at which barrels wear out. When's the last time you hears a second-place finisher say "yeah, but I didn't wear my barrel as much!"

Another thought to consider. I use to shoot a 6 Ackley (.244 Remington blown out). Barrel life was around 750 rounds for top-match accuracy. Velocity fell off quite a bit by that point, and groups opened up just a bit.

So. Listening to the siren song, I went & got a 6 Dasher reamer. Haven't chambered a barrel up yet, but some people are now saying 900-1,000 rounds of match life for the Dasher barrels. 150 to 250 extra rounds on the barrel isn't worth that much to me; Again, for me, the 6 Ackley has been a proven winner.

You never mentioned which load gave you the better accuracy. I think I'd go with that one.
Sorry for your troubles but I guess thats the price you pay with some Cartridges.
Sometimes they are extreamly accurate at given ranges but barrel life suffers.
The Bullet weight you are using and the velocitys aren't spectacular.
Maybe you would be better off with the 6 dasher. Check out www.6mmbr.com for some loads
I hope this helps
You never mentioned which load gave you the better accuracy. I think I'd go with that one.

As I said both are more accurate than what I can shoot. To be honest they both group group the same at 600 yards however the slower load groups better at 100
If I read the wind correctly 6 inch group which is 1 MOA is doable every day whatever the condition

I am going with the higher speed load since I feel it will buck the wind better
less flight time hence hence less chance being affected by EDDY wind in Bisley

I have a 6MMBR and will go for a dasher when the barrel goes and again after switching from VARGET to 8208 XBR there is slight increase of 5 - 6 % of velocity to a tad over 2950 FPS. NOT quite Dasher territory but satisfy the quest for accuracy and speed
Thanks for your opinion