Did a search for books by P.O. Ackley and ran acrossed these reprints buy Cornells pubs., here is the deal, you buy the book and then they print it and ship it out!!
Has anyone bought these types of books?? The price is fair,$25.00 for P.O. Ackley's reloading guide 1962 vol 1 and it is a hard back book.
What do you all think? I looked to see if there were any other department in the forum and this seems to be it.
If it needs deleted, please delete.
These are called print-on-demand books. They are not printed on an offset press, but are essentially photocopies. Quality varies. The type is never as good, the images vary from quite good to pretty poor, depending.
That they are hardback doesn't make them the same as a "traditional" cloth-bound book. Those are put together with Smythe sewing, where only the end sheet is glued to the case. There are two advantages: (1) a single sheet of paper won't fall out (everything is sewn together), and (2) afer a bit of use, the book will lay flat on a table or desk, rather than closing unless you hold it open -- as with your hand.
Best is that these print-on-demand books are are notch bound, so while you can still see the signatures looking down at the spine from the top (the plus is a single page wont fall out), they are glued rather than sewn, and will never lay flat. Worse case, they are "perfect bound" -- like a typical mass-market paperback, where pages will fall out over time, and like almost all glue-in bindings, the book will never lay flat.
But the price is right. The cross-over point in terms of manufacturing costs is about 500 to 700 copies -- it changes with the technology. So, if anyone is printing over 500-700 copies, it will be cheaper to print offset. Fewer copies, use a digital press.
Smythe sewing is getting harder to find, and for that reason alone, is getting pricier.
Probably more than you wanted to know about book manufacturing...