Hart #4

Can anyone tell me the specs on a Hart #4 action, length, dia and weight? I may purchase one and I have heard that they are heavy and I would like to know what other action they compare to. Hart is not very forthcoming with info.
Hart barrel

Simply go to their and look at the taper chart.
The current catalog only show two actions, neither called a #3. One weights in at 2lb 6oz and the other at 2lb 5 oz
The #4 is the unrestricted action, 1.725" diameter, 15 1/4" length, 8 lbs. I have a Hart #1A action that I like, but even it's a big action for HV. The 2A is for LV/sporter.

Get a copy of "Benchrest Actions & Triggers" by Stuart Otteson. This is a collections of articles from the Rifle magazine, back in their quality days.

Regards, Ron
#4 Hart

Are you going to buy that #4? If it's offered at a reasonable price, go for it. At least to me, it's a piece of history.

The one with the most toys at the end is still dead!

I will buy it. The 24lb gun comes with 3 complete bolts, .223, 6BR and 6PPC heads and 2-6mm barrels. It's an old PA. gun with a lot of history.
Thanks for your input.