Harry Jones Season Ending Match


Rob Ashcraft.

Harry Jones End of Season Matches

What a great day of shooting in the mountains of West Virginia. Right around 24 LG and 15 HG had a great day of shooting. Lots of really good groups shot and a couple screamers in there for good measure.

Matt Dienes continues to just thrash us all with his HG. He shot another 4" and a 5" for relay wins and then won a pair of shootoffs to boot.

Gary Nicholson has tentatively shot a new IBS 6 Target Agg record with, if I remember correctly, a 4.707" agg. Not to bad for a rookie that shot his first ever 1000yd match just middle of this summer.

Great time with a great bunch of shooters and would you believe I didnt even have to drive on 541! :D

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What a great day of shooting in the mountains of West Virginia. Right around 24 LG and 15 HG had a great day of shooting. Lots of really good groups shot and a couple screamers in there for good measure.

Matt Dienes continues to just thrash us all with his HG. He shot another 4" and a 5" for relay wins and then won a pair of shootoffs to boot.

Gary Nicholson has tentatively shot a new IBS 6 Target Agg record with, if I remember correctly, a 4.707" agg. Not to bad for a rookie that shot his first ever 1000yd match just middle of this summer.

Great time with a great bunch of shooters and would you believe I didnt even have to drive on 541! :D



Speaking of screamers, I've got something for 541......delivered from Indy today. V10 is nothing short of awesome.

BTW, I am not even attempting your driveway with it.

You bum!

Bring it down and lets go for a ride! Red one?

You would love to drive 250 over Cameron Ridge in WV with that! More hairpin turns then you can believe.

BTW..where do you put the rifles in that thing? :D
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Looks like there were two individuals break the 6 Target Light Gun Agg record this year at the Henry Jones Memorial Club. Looks like Bill Ice kept the right rifle after all! Bill shot a 4.683" agg for the tenative new record.

For all of you that dont know the history of Bill and selling rifles here's the Cliff's Notes version. Bill sold Gary Nicholson and Rick Curtis each a light gun, both chambered in 6.5x47 Lapua. Gary shot his all season and also broke the record with a 4.707" agg. Rick only shot his the last part of the season and still had a 5.745" agg.

Congrats to all of you on a fine shooting season and congrats to Bill for the pending record.

Take care

Just about as close to a 1000yd tunnel as you can get. Good bunch of guys that love to shoot to boot. The agg records will most likely be shot at this range. LG is pending already in the first year and HG will probably follow suit in the near future.

The guys tell me they have some plans to expand the parking and cleaning areas as well for next year. If you havent met this gang from WV, be sure to. Bill Ice, Ken House, Henry Brewer, Gary Munson, Joe, Rick Curtis, Stan Taylor have all done a first rate job in putting this club up in Harry's name. I apologize if I missed anyone in the preceeding.

Thanks much guys
1000 yard tunnel...Hugh. Somebody better tell "Ice" to cool off the mirage!!

All jokes aside, when conditions are good, groups can be very very small but when conditions are bad, it is so soupy that you'll be looking for a grilled cheese sandwich to dunk it in.

Topography at Harry Jones gives and takes away; I think the steep ground increases the mirage/ sight picture challenges.
Harry Jones

Hey Mike it was nice to see you again,its been a while ,and hope to see you back at WP.Atleast come to the WORLD OPEN.
I agree with you,there might not be alot of conditions but the mirage can be tough!I do look forward to shooting there next year,its pretty close to home and run by a great group of guys.