Harrison Sprotsman's Club Match Results


Al Walewski
This morning eleven brave souls (lacking common sense) shot a 100 yard group match at the Harrison Sportsman's Club (Michigan). Rain, wind and more rain greeted the competitors as they arrived at the range. Flags were set, the order to Commence Firing was given and bullets flew downrange. After a through soaking the results are,

In Combined HV/LV Class;

1st. Brian Albee .2448" Agg.
2nd. Al Walewski .2468"
3rd. Dudley Pierce .3016"

We had two competitors in Factory Class;

1st. Kurt Krug .6016"
2nd. Jim Guinn .6438"

Match winners are Brian Albee .222" (Match 1) Frank Pagel .235" (Match 2) Al Walewski .223 (Match 3) Match 4 was a tie between Al Walewski and Dudley Pierce .182" (small group of the day) and Ron Breedlove .193" (Match 5).

Congrats to Brian and all the match winners! Outstanding job in the worst weather I've ever seen at Harrison.

Complete results are in the attachment.

Al Walewski


  • Harrison Group 8-8-2009.pdf
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What A Day

I only shot in rain worse then that one time and that was at Holton. Yesterday was a close 2nd. I'm surprised the windflags with Daisy Wheels didn't take off for OZ in that wind. What happened to the original forecast of sunny and 80 ??
