Harrison Sportsman's Club Group Match...


Al Walewski
Starting this season I’ve taken over the reigns of running the Harrison Sportsman’s Club benchrest matches. Bill Stiverson is second in command and is the liaison to the club’s board of directors. Bill will also be calling the matches as he’s done well in the past. Dick will assist in scoring targets which will give me time to shoot during matches. If you have any comments/concerns please let me know so I can get any issues resolved. If you just want to complain about the weather… see Dick.:D You won’t see any changes made to the program, for the most part everything will remain the same. I’ve always figured if it ain’t broken don’t fix it.

This Saturday (May 15) is Harrison’s first match of the season. We’ll be running a 100 yard group match, a good time to warm up for the Super Shoot. As in the past the gates will open at 8:00 AM, shooting will start at 10:00 AM. Entrance fee is $12.00, a cash option will be available for an additional $5.00. Fresh coffee and donuts will be in supply along with bottled water and pop. As in the past there will be a VFS Class along with Custom Rifle and Factory Class. The rules will remain the same for Factory Class with no limits placed on scope magnification. If there are enough competitors interested there will be an AR Class available. The IBS rules governing AR Class will be adhered to. If anyone needs to borrow an ECI see me at the time of registration, I should have a few extra to loan out. Prizes will be paid to the top two in each class, with a minimum of three competitors in the class. If anyone would like to share a bench contact either Dick or me at ajwalew (@aol.com) so we can draw a card before hand. Looking forward to seeing old friends and making some new ones.

Al Walewski
Starting this season I’ve taken over the reigns of running the Harrison Sportsman’s Club benchrest matches. Bill Stiverson is second in command and is the liaison to the club’s board of directors. Bill will also be calling the matches as he’s done well in the past. Dick will assist in scoring targets which will give me time to shoot during matches. If you have any comments/concerns please let me know so I can get any issues resolved. If you just want to complain about the weather… see Dick.:D You won’t see any changes made to the program, for the most part everything will remain the same. I’ve always figured if it ain’t broken don’t fix it.

This Saturday (May 15) is Harrison’s first match of the season. We’ll be running a 100 yard group match, a good time to warm up for the Super Shoot. As in the past the gates will open at 8:00 AM, shooting will start at 10:00 AM. Entrance fee is $12.00, a cash option will be available for an additional $5.00. Fresh coffee and donuts will be in supply along with bottled water and pop. As in the past there will be a VFS Class along with Custom Rifle and Factory Class. The rules will remain the same for Factory Class with no limits placed on scope magnification. If there are enough competitors interested there will be an AR Class available. The IBS rules governing AR Class will be adhered to. If anyone needs to borrow an ECI see me at the time of registration, I should have a few extra to loan out. Prizes will be paid to the top two in each class, with a minimum of three competitors in the class. If anyone would like to share a bench contact either Dick or me at ajwalew (@aol.com) so we can draw a card before hand. Looking forward to seeing old friends and making some new ones.

Al Walewski

So you are running a VFS, factory, custom, and possibly IBS AR classes group? for 100 yards group? What about LV/HV? or are you running a score match? And you are saying it is IBS?

I'll be there, have a VFS an a Custom class gun so Dudley and Larry can beat me like they usually do an of course neither of them shoot but, second match of the year so I have an excuse. Looking forward to seeing all my (old) friends!

Jeff Aberegg
Paul as in the past LV/HV will be combined into the same class, VFS.

Seeing that the IBS has allowed AR's to compete in Benchrest matches I see no reason why we can't accommodate those who wish to compete with an AR at Harrison matches, either score or group. Instead of trying to re-invent the wheel the existing guidelines concerning the use of AR's in competition that the IBS has put forth will be followed, especially where safety is concerned. For the most part Harrison has followed the rules of both sanctioning bodies, except where moving backers or the handling of targets is concerned. The goal is to provide continuity with the other ranges in the area who hold registered matches.
Ok, I see,

From your post it looked like there was hope that you were now running a registered Score match this weekend. The VFS threw me off, and the AR class with IBS rules. I just couldn't see why you kept mentioning group in the post. Varmint for Score had me guessing.

Now that everyone is dialed in for 5 minutes of wind from last weekend, First shots should be exciting on Saturday morning. Good luck.

Stuff !

Hey Big Al;

I've got some wind flags and a cleaning cradle I want to move, is that end tall table going to be available this year for sale items as in the past ???

For You Mike...

I'll make sure the table is empty. With the work you've done at Harrison you deserve more.
Weather report...

calls for the rain to stop sometime early Friday morn. Saturday will start out around 45 or 50 deg. and it should be sunny all day. After last weekend it will seem totally tropical. It should be near 70 by the time we get done shooting.
