Harrison Score Match Results - Who Would Have Thought...


Al Walewski
That you could shoot a 250-24X and end up in second place?

The final results are,
1st. Rob Fairbanks 250-24X
2nd. Rick Averill 250-24X (Creedmore)
3rd. Brian Albee 250-23X

This match went to the end, though the results were set in match two. Both Rob Fairbanks and Rick Averill shot a 250-24X with both competitors missing an "X" in match #2 old Creedmore had to step in and dictate the first missed "X". Rick missed the dot on bull #1, Rob missed to dot on bull #3. There were four competitors tied for first place through match #4.

In Factory Class;
1st. Bob Zimmer 246-11X
2nd. Charlie Deardoff 243-3X
3rd. Bob Zimmer 240-6X

Bob shot two rifles in Factory Class...

Congrats to Rob & Bob for winning their respective classes! Nice shooting guys. Conditions were mild all day though you had to pay close attention to the flags. There were a few let-ups and switches that would put the bullet just out of reach of the dot.

Thanks to all of those who came out to shoot at Harrison this year. We had great turn outs for every match. Twas a pleasure running the matches and hanging out with a bunch of good people.

A speacial thanks to Dick, Charlie, Matt and Jim for helping out in the absence of Bill. These gentlemen stepped up and played a big part in making the program a success this season!

Hope to see everyone back next May!!!

The full match results can be viewed in the attachment.

Al Walewski


  • Sept 7 Score Match.pdf
    37.3 KB · Views: 234

Thanks for posting the pictures. It took me a minute to figure out who the old guy was sitting behind the desk.

If you get an itch to pull your trigger you might want to consider shooting a match at WWCCA. They have some good guys down there and, in the past, have shot right thru the winter. (Crazy masochists.) There are several guys on here that can give you the details. The club is easy to find, only five minutes off the X-way.

Get Don and come up for lunch.
