b albee
Harrison Sportsmans Club - Score Match Results
The following are the results from the score match held on 6/7/2014. Seventeen shooters were greeted with mild temps, sunny skies and switchy winds. The mirage and wind keep the scores lower than usual, but it was still a good day for a match.
1st. Jim Dyke…............ 250-17X
2nd. Brian Albee........... 250-15X
3rd. Rick Averill ........... 249-20X
Factory Class;
1st. Kurt Krug................. 250-7X
2nd. Andy Taber............. 245-8X
3rd. Doug Mulder........... 243-6X
The following are the results from the score match held on 6/7/2014. Seventeen shooters were greeted with mild temps, sunny skies and switchy winds. The mirage and wind keep the scores lower than usual, but it was still a good day for a match.
1st. Jim Dyke…............ 250-17X
2nd. Brian Albee........... 250-15X
3rd. Rick Averill ........... 249-20X
Factory Class;
1st. Kurt Krug................. 250-7X
2nd. Andy Taber............. 245-8X
3rd. Doug Mulder........... 243-6X