Happy Thanksgiving to All!!! Even those that don't like me too much:)

Kent Owens

Well-known member
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I hope everyone has a great day with their families, and eating good food. I'm sure everyone has their own Thanksgiving routine. Have fun doing with it. Thanks to all of our troops here, and overseas who can't be home for Thanksgiving.

If I offended anyone who doesn't believe in Thanksgiving, well I really don't care:)
thanks...anyone what don't like you don't like turkey:D
happy thanksgivin y'all
Yessir! Happy Thanksgiving

It's 4:21 Thanksgiving AM and I'm waiting on a cake to cool.

About those troops...it won't matter what those hateful cooks serve up, there won't be anybody in the whole outfit that can "swaller". Come Christmas, you can stand behind the chow line and physically see the lumps in their throats...that ain't no time at all for a cook to be smartass. If a guy says he wants the whole turkey...just give him the turkey. Oh...and don't bother with any cheerful sort of conversation.
been there done that

It's 4:21 Thanksgiving AM and I'm waiting on a cake to cool.

About those troops...it won't matter what those hateful cooks serve up, there won't be anybody in the whole outfit that can "swaller". Come Christmas, you can stand behind the chow line and physically see the lumps in their throats...that ain't no time at all for a cook to be smartass. If a guy says he wants the whole turkey...just give him the turkey. Oh...and don't bother with any cheerful sort of conversation.

Spent my time in over fortyfive years ago and know what you mean. Your standing in line, back then with either a M-1 or M-14 slung on your shoulder, your best bud got hit last night, your mad at the whole world and some cook smarts off, not a good idea

Thankfully most made it home but tears are flowing thinking of those that did not, man I hate whats going on in this world but somebody has to do it rather we are thanked for it or not. One of the best descriptions I ever heard was a speech called something like "Sheep and Sheep Dogs" search for it if you are not familiar with it, worth the trouble

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I hope everyone has a great day with their families, and eating good food. I'm sure everyone has their own Thanksgiving routine. Have fun doing with it. Thanks to all of our troops here, and overseas who can't be home for Thanksgiving.

If I offended anyone who doesn't believe in Thanksgiving, well I really don't care:)

Great post Kent. I would not worry about offending anyone, if you did they are on the wrong board. Everyone have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. Again, thanks to our soldiers around the world.
Thanksgiving greeting

Happy Thanksgiving to all. Remember the stores open early tomorrow. Get fortified today to face the mob tomorrow.
I'd like to thank the guys at Kettlefoot for the wonderful plaque. That really means a lot to me. Thanks guys.
I guess over all, we have a lot to be thankful for.
May all your shots be X's
Thanks Kent.............................................. ........

42 years ago today...spent Thanksgiving in the bush..had "C" rats....kept the canned peachs and crackers and cheese...threw everything else away!! All my thought were of my family and friends back home enjoying the great meal and the fellowship. I don't think that the troops thoughts have changed much over the years. Thanksgiving should be a time to reflect on all our blessings and the freedoms that we enjoy in this great nation....let's commit to spend the next year making changes in Washington to preserve those freedoms for our children and grandchildren!! Join a Tea Party in your area.

Thanks Kent, I hope you and yours and the other members of this forum have a happy Thanksgiving, but most of all I wish our troops have even more. Our thanks is for them.
Anyway, who wouldn't like you; most of time you're a nice guy. J. Pappas is correct.
See ya'll at the range.
Happy Thanksgiving

We'd like you more if you missed once in a while!
I tried that Ernie and then folks just felt sorry for me:confused: You know that shooting with you guys you can't afford to miss anything. Unfortunately I've missed more than my share. I haven't been able to shoot up to the level of my equipment for the past few years. Got even better equipment for next year, maybe it'll help.
Seriously, I wish all a great Thanksgiving. Some of the finest folks I've ever met and had the opportunity to spend the day shooting with have been the rimfire BR shooters. I'm thankful for being able to meet such a fine bunch of people.
Ernie, you had a great year shooting! Keep it up for next year!