Hal Drake Wins Again



Congrats, Hal on winning the Pennsylvania State IBS Score Championship.
Hal edged out Dick Spencer by one X , Dick won the 200 and Bob Llewellyn won the 100 but Hal's consistency won the Grand.

Dave Thomas once again won the Varmint Hunter Grand but Eddie Harren won the 100 and Gary Long won the 200

Congratulations Hal,
You know, you're turning into a real "folk hero" around here. Kinda like Daniel Boone,or Paul Bunyon,or Lil' Abner.
Some day we'll be driving down Hal Drake Boulevard and we'll take a right on 30 BR street,park the car and go into "Tuners" restaraunt and order up the 250-25x filet. There on the wall will be pictures of Sinatra,Dino,Sammy and YOU ! Some little kid will point his finger at the photo on the wall and say "daddy,who's the man wearing the tee shirt" ?
" Junior,be quiet and eat your vegetables"
Congrats Hal, you have had an amazing year, David Thomas has had a pretty good one too , Congrats to Vince Pastorella for winning hunter. Steve
Great shooting Hal, No question who is the best shooter this year