Hagerstown Match 19-20 Apr 08



Can someone post the street address of the range at Hagerstown MD. I'm sure it's on this site somewhere but I just can't find it.
Hagerstown Md Range: Address & Directons

Tony (and others): For those using GPS / MAPQUEST, below is the physical address for the Hagerstown Range (Washington County IWLA). For those using conventional maps, the directions are below the address. Hope to see you at the matches this next weekend. Anyone needing practice - match times, dirctions, places to stay, or places to eat, kindly e-mail me at CDRWEBTEST@AOL.COM or call me at home: 717-573-4335. Good shooting and scores to all, Doug Miller
If searching for direction on the Internet, use this address:
12759 Independence Road, Clear Spring, MD 21722

Hagerstown, MD is North and East of the interstection of
I-81 and I-70 in north central Maryland (just south of the PA border).

1. If on route 81, get off at exit number 6, Hagerstown exit
.. take Route 40 West.
Go about 5.5 miles watching for Hagerstown Raceway on right,
go past raceway to bridge ... this is Conococheague
(pronounced con- o'-ka-jig) creek.
Take your FIRST right immediately past the bridge onto Independence Road
Independence road will run parallel to the Creek and just above
the level of the stream. Stay to the right at fork in the road
following creek until you must make a 90 degree bend to the left
and about another quarter mile on the right you will see
a sign for the Washington County IWLA Club on your right.

2. If on route 70 get off at Route 63 North, (exit 24, Huyetts/Williamsport).
Go north on 63, approx. 1 mile, until you reach route 40 and turn
left going West on 40. Go about 3 miles West on Route 40 watching
for Hagerstown Raceway on right, go past raceway to bridge ...
this is Conococheague (pronounced con-o'-ka-jig) Creek.
Take your FIRST right immediately past the bridge onto Independence Road
Independence road will run parallel to the Creek and just above
the level of the stream. Stay to the right at fork in the road
following creek until you must make a 90 degree bend to the left
and about another quarter mile on the right you will see
a sign for the Washington County IWLA Club on your right.
Thanks Doug

Can I be the only one that thought the Hagerstown range would actually be in Hagerstown?:eek::eek::eek:
Location of Hagerstown, MD range


I often wondered the same thing !! And correct you are, it is a bit confusing. The name "Hagerstown Range" is a bit of a misnomer .... the club is officially named "The I. W. L. A. Washington County Chapter".

Hagerstown, MD is located in Washington County, as is Clear Springs, MD. Clear Springs is very small town (at a cross roads) and further from the Range than "downtown" Hagerstown. I would like to blame the post office for the confusion, but this goes back to when letters were delivered by horseback !! Go figure. Looking at Zip Codes, the range is very close to the border of the Zip for Hagerstown, but just inside the Clear Spring Zip.

BTW: There is a web site (a work in progress and far from completed) at www:WASHCOIWLA.COM. Sorry about the confusion, and frustration. Have a great trip, and call if you need anything. Best wishes, Doug Miller