H4198- Scotland


New member
Hello fellow shooters I have a question on powder.I picked up a pound of H-4198 and after inspection found that it was made in Scotland can anyone enlighten me as to whether this is close to the new stuff from Australia and does it have the same burn rate. Any info on this powder would be greatly appreciated :confused:
All jugs have differing burn rates therefore all loads should start low and work up. When that runs out do it all over again
H 4198- scotland

That sounds like the old powder that was made there It may be hotter maybe not.
I remember the H322 that was made there and it was hot and clean burning.
hope this helps
I'm not familiar with Scottish 4198 but we used to shoot their 322. Damn good stuff but all that changed when the plant burned in the early 1990's. Unless I'm mistaken, your H4198 is 20+ years old (not saying it's bad, just letting you know when I think it was made).

I've got most of an 8# jug left of the Scottish H4198. My 30BR likes it. I may still have a pound or two of the Scottish 322. Very good stuff.

I've got most of an 8# jug left of the Scottish H4198. My 30BR likes it. I may still have a pound or two of the Scottish 322. Very good stuff.

Butch,,, gimme that H-322,, you know I need it more than you. Be waiting , besides I have Scottish family tree.
Hello fellow shooters I have a question on powder.I picked up a pound of H-4198 and after inspection found that it was made in Scotland can anyone enlighten me as to whether this is close to the new stuff from Australia and does it have the same burn rate. Any info on this powder would be greatly appreciated :confused:

Didn't that powder plant blow up years go??

how does the Scottish powder compare as far as weight to the new stuff 34gr = 34gr or is the old powder hotter there by using less powder

how does the Scottish powder compare as far as weight to the new stuff 34gr = 34gr or is the old powder hotter there by using less powder

Don't know about hotter,, but I say better...When I first tried the Austr h322,, I would get tite bolt w/same setting on Culver... Never did like the new stuff except in .223