Hi Todd,
I just got in from a morning, and half the afternoon of shooting up in my bahn. Today was the first day I had much of a chance to do any fiddling with my regulator and feel I saw some definite improvement. Now all I need is to get that new stock so all the rock'n & roll'n will go away and I should be all set.
As for which pellet to buy: I'm too new at this to give advice, but, you know me, when asked I can't keep my mouth shut. I do think you will want to go with a "domed" pellet as opposed to a "wadcutter". And, I don't think you can go wrong with using Crosman Premiers. Now, as to whether you want the Heavies @ 10.5 gr. (which I use and you shot at Pinnacle) or the Lites @ 7.90 gr. will depend on your gun. Oh, excuse me ...your guns. But, since you and Kathy will be dealing with the wind most of the time, I would think the Heavy's might be a better way to go as the Lites are more for indoor and 10M shooting, and not the 25+Y shooting we'll be doing. Either way, at ±$17.00/1250 you can't go wrong. Then there are the JSB Exacts @ 8.30 gr., or Exact Heavies @ 10.2 gr. which I have heard are very good, and, in fact, (Paul can correct me if I'm wrong) were what Doug Shea used when he set the indoor record last weekend. Oh, and let's not forget about H&N Baracudas @ 10.6. They were the pellets used to set the BR-50 airgun record, and a perfect target was shot in doing so. Any of these are where I'll steer you, but what do I know?
Now, how's this for a deal: if you buy any of the above mentioned pellets in the Heavy's, and decide you, or better said, your gun doesn't like them, I'll buy them from you ....that is, unless you go wild and run out to buy 5 or 10,000 of each.
Welcome aboard, and see you at Pinnacle at the end of the month.
Am I surprised by your joining in, especially so quickly ...not at all!
Let the fun begin!!!!