Gunfight at Wilburs Corral


Senile Member
This mornings news is about a gunfight at the Watts Bar Nuclear plant in Spring City. Isn't that Wilbur's old hang-out?

(Or was it Sequoyah Nuclear Plant is a nuclear power plant, just a few miles down the road, where he blessed the taxpayers with his nuclear expertise?)

The sleeze-bag news media, not to let a crisis go by, shows a picture of a nuclear plant "belching steam". This image is supposed to make viewers think the steam from the cooling tower is dreadful nuclear gas spreading across the land.
Jerry, did you really expect anything less from the lame stream media! They are about driving fear into the hearts and minds of the low information general public, and telling us at the same time what a wonderful government we would have if the democratic party controlled everything! That more govenment isn't going to harm anyone, and Potus is so wonderful that they get a chill up their leg everytime he gives a speech!
These people never tire of, of trying to destroy this country from within!
I can't comment - as much as I would just love to. I had a big bunch of stuff typed up and came to my senses before I posted.
Meanwhile, over at Hanford, if you know where to look there are nukes puffing merrily away.........always. And this right on the banks of the mighty Columbia :)

But they've put up a whole bunch of fans these last few years, to dissipate the smoke.

Around here we have the TERRIBLE COAL which will most assuredly end all life on the planet as we know it, and as it has been known. They show photos of water vapor (steam) rising from the stacks and complain about global warming or climate change or dead polar bears. Makes my head hurt.
But Guys Those are the smart people that want clean air and clean water! So exercise Eat right and you're still going to DIE! NO ONE IS GETTING OUT ALIVE! Just hope I make it another shooting season.

Joe Salt