Gun safes



So i have been looking around and what are some of the best gun safes for around 1-2 thousand dollars brands stuff that u guys think are worth putting your guns and and knowing there safe so any ideas about what u guys think is the right choice? brand models that are good and looking for around 20 gun safes with easy access
Check out the website below. There is a lot of good information on that page about how to choose the right safe for you.

It may be hard to give a good recommendation because not every safe will be able to accomodate every rifle (50 cal or the likes), but you'll be able to contact the company if you have any questions.
Good luck,

Are a good investment IMO. Some insureance companies will give you a discount on your house insureance if you have them. I have a Cannon & Browning like'em both. The hard part is getting the safe you want to where you want it in the house:eek:.They are HEAVY the Cannon is in the 1150lbs range the Browning is only slightly less. I had to make a cart and winch system to get mine in the basement.
I think American Securities / AmSec BF Series (fire and burglery) are one of the better ones on the market.

I've always been happy with the 2 Ft. Knox Defender safes I have.
Heed the thoughts in the article on when they say... always buy bigger than you need.
Browning, Platinum. There only secure as your home, I also have home security system. They keep the honest people out. The big door isn't the problem, its the sides and the backs.

Joe Salt
I have couple 21cu.ft. Cannon's I bought from Costco. They have the touchpad electronic locks. I prefer them. Best part about getting it from Costco was it included free shipping to my front door.
Buyer beware

When I made my last safe purchase I had my eyes opened for me. The Sports Center had a large selection of safes. I'm not going to call the names but you know who makes safes. I found some real bargins. Lots of safe for a some what low price. Then I looked a bit closer. MADE IN CHINA on a little sticker. By defination it was a safe. Just made with a lot of short cuts. Such as, thickness of wall box material,hindges,amount of fire rating, number of bars that secured the door to the box. Then we went to another part of the store. There they had the US made safes. Everything about them is better. They do cost more but good protection usually does. I guess a China box is better than nothing if thats what you can afford. There are some great safes made in this country. Not to call any names but man in Ohio with a very common last name who runs ad in print magazines makes a true custom safe. In these hard times maybe a "safe" discussion thread may generate some intrest here. Hoped I haven't stepped on any toes. If so, sorry.
Whatever safe you purchase make sure it ul listing as a residental security device as well as a good ul fire rating.
There will probably come the day when we will have to store our firearms in some sort of govt. approved safe.
Might as well get the best and the biggest you can afford now rather than wait until you have to and the prices go through the roof.

Chuck. (a different chuck)
the advertised number of guns(ie: 20,30,55) usually means w/o scopes so take that into consideration, also if you want to store hand guns, important papers, jewell's etc you might want to go BIGGER, I got the 6 ft tall model and it hold lots of stuff,,,,,,,and I don't loose any gun space,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

the wind is my friend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

The # of guns a safe claims to hold might work with single barrel shotguns.
1/2 to 2/3 capacity unless you want your rifles rubbing all over each other.
Fireproofing is 5/8 in sheetrock behind carpet covered MDF. Look at the number of locking bolts in the door. The more expensive safes will have bolts all the way around the door,most cheaper ones only have them on the sides of the door, not top and bottom and the thickness of the steel is smaller. Remember not to leave your oxy/acet cutting torch in the garage with the safe.
Drake Safes

Give Greg drake a call at Drake safes. Very well made safes. Very good prices.

They have a web site.

Nat Lambeth
Zanotti Armor

Zanotti Armor makes a safe that comes in six pieces so you can move it with moderate effort. When assembled, it appears to be a solid unit. If you anticipate ever needing to relocate a safe, this is a good choice.
I researched this a couple of years ago. I have a friend who is a fireman, he said all the fires he has been in the guns never made it throught the fire.
We found this company who makes a good safe with the Standard Greenleaf Locks and a higher than industry standard fire rating. Thick steel wall with ceramic wool instead of sheetrock.

Nice safes, and good people to deal with. (No affiliation)

Sturdysafe is the way to go. I did a lot or studying on this before I bought. It is a better heavier safe with better fire performance for a little less money and made in CA. USA.
Fire resistent and there is fire proof.

Most gun safes are fire resistent and have a heat and time rating.

My 50 year old safe came from a bank and it weighs 5 tons. Besides the steel frame it has 10" of concrete between the two 1/4" steel walls. Probably a layer or two of asbestos also.

The Die Bold Safe man who serviced it said my shop could burn to the ground and the safe would still be functional and the contents would not even be warm to the touch.

Knowing how hard it was to move I doubt anyone will be able to steal it either.

Nat Lambeth
If you don't bolt your safes together or to the floor/wall, by myself, I can take a 2000 lb safe out of your house in about 10min most of the time. I know around here, we keep hush hush on how to move many theives. Once out of your house, and somewhere safe, I can have it open in about another 10-15mins. If you have it bolted, it can be opened in your house in about 20min max. So I always recommend camera's inside and out and a well hidden digital recording device (never your computer). You can buy a very dependable four camera system with a hard drive big enought to record two weeks for less than 300.00 (no sound). Mount the recorder in your attic or out building hidden.

Also, the placement in your house should be considered when looking at a fire. Basements are the worst. It burns the hottest in a the bottom of a fire pit. Its best to mount them in a area of your house that will burn the coolest. Like in a berm home or basement with from stick wall, mount it in the front. Especially where fires will draw air, air rushing in will actually help keep the safe cool. If you plug/seal you mounting holes in the bottom, you can tap into your water line outside and run a cast iron line in above your safes with a release to cool them. I find it funny when people say a safe won't get hot inside....BS. Usually in 20mins, the inside of a sealed safe will reach outside the safe temp so placing them where the outside of the safe temp will stay coolest is the best. Large walk in safes built in a house with concrete roof on the safe are very nice but remember, don't store your guns around the walls. Put them in the center....walls are the heat transferer and get hottest the fastest.

I just checked the price I paid for my 32x24x60 sturdysafe with fire lining in 2007 was 1523$. It would now cost 2049$. That's a pretty high appreciation. Buy now. These prices will continue to rise as the world economy heats up again.
Mark Zanotti

Zanotti Armor makes a safe that comes in six pieces so you can move it with moderate effort. When assembled, it appears to be a solid unit. If you anticipate ever needing to relocate a safe, this is a good choice.

Give him a call. He is a gun nut. He'll custom build you one and as the above quote says, it is a 6 piece unit. Easy to move and put together. He builds his safes from scratch 30 miles from where i live, not China.

After my safe was flooded in 2008 i called him for a replacement carpet for the floor--no charge--he gave it to me.
