Gun rack for vehicle



Has anyone here done this DIY storage in their car or truck? These ideas are great for those who are looking for guns and ammo storage in their vehicle. These can be installed on the truck parts and use it as a tool compartment to gun storage.

I can only include one video but you can search the other one on youtube
"Custom Vehicle Gun Storage - DIY Install"
actually in various sizes and styles, very common.

Has anyone here done this DIY storage in their car or truck? These ideas are great for those who are looking for guns and ammo storage in their vehicle. These can be installed on the truck parts and use it as a tool compartment to gun storage.

I can only include one video but you can search the other one on youtube
"Custom Vehicle Gun Storage - DIY Install"
I've seen a number of "spacers" built for trucks and vans but the rifles are always stored in hard shelled gun cases. This is a nice deal but...well...I'll just leave it at that...nice deal.
Would prefer something in welded steel and a much stouter locking mechanism.

Something with bars but with an enclosure that will at least conceal a combination lock.

Let them break into a sheet metal cover only to find a safe face.
With a decent motion and sound alarm setup there should be plenty of warning at any attempt to get in.

Using plastic rifle cases would be an easy way to get protection and a more easily fixed in place container.