Gun cleaning techniques when using HBN coated bullets.

don carter

New member
I have been using Moly but am tired of the dirty fingers, etc. I just noticed some black finger prints on the bathroom wall, I know I am in trouble if the little woman sees them. I like the reduced cleaning requirement. Mostly used for Praire Dog shooting. I would like to use HBN. How do you clean your guns after shooting HBN???? Thanks Don
Don, I'm not really one to pass............

as one who has found out the "right way".
I've applied the hBN using alcohol to the barrel. Matter of fact, I have a small Dewey's bottle w/dissolved hBN in it on my workbench right now. That application seems to hold it in the bore adequately, and in RFs I've just pushed a dry patch through the bore. I have another bottle w/MPO7 and hBN dissolved in IT, too, and I clean just the way I always have, using the liquid on patches.

I plan to try a third way using a spray, by cleaning the barrel as surgically clean as possible, drying it out, and then using a spray applicator. Once I get the applications dry, then I'll begin using the CFs, and dry-patching as I have on the RFs.

I've also taken a stab at coating some bullets, but I believe I need to get some other equipment to do an adequate job.

Since I've had some limitations w/transportation, I haven't had the opportunity to do as many comparisons as I'd like.

That said, the CF barrels seem pleased w/the "old" way, coupled w/the "new" additive.
Only thing left is to get to the fine-tuning. HTH
What I am interested in is the cleaning regimen. Do you need to clean after each relay or only at the end of the day as I do with Moly coated bullets? Some of you must be using HBN???? Thanks Don
I changed from Moly to hBN and the only thing I changed or noticed was no more black fingers.
Cleaning regimen

Thanks Rewinder. That's what I was wondering about. Not sure I can trust anyone that claims to be from "Dry Cities" WA. Us Oregon boys know it rains in WA. Must not be on the west side of the state. Just how do you clean your gun after using HBN??? Thanks Don
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I have been using HBN coated bullets in my 6ppc for about 2 years. And I still haven't figured out the best way to go. However this is about as close as I can get at this time. Go to the range with a barrel that after a squekky cleaning that has had at least 12-15 rounds of HBH coated bullets thru it. Then never clean it during a match. I know it goes against the grain and I have nothing to prove that this is best. Just gut feeling. One thing I can tell you for sure on a 30BR or 30ppc you better go the the line with at least 15 rounds thru the barrel and do not clean it during the match, even a two day match. Learned that the hard way. Although I have been using HBN for a couple years I am not sure that it would not be as good as to go back to naked bullets and clean after every target. Still confused..........Donald
Hi Donald Thanks I have been using Moly for three years and shooting 100-300 rounds a day at Praire Dogs then cleaning in the evenings. Don't want to waste time during the shooting to clean guns. Thats why I started using the Moly. I have set up a target at 100yds at the end of the day and don't notice any change in accuracy. This with custom rifles made to Benchrest standards. Then I started shooting Benchrest 100-300 and even 1,000 yds. Still using Moly. Tired of the dirty fingers. Want to try the HBN. Not thinking any accuracy improvement only less cleaning. Want to be sure I am not harming my new barrels on my 6 PPC's and 6 Dasher. Please tell me your exact cleaning sequence. Thanks Don