good news..maybe bad news...


mike in co

effective this month i will be semi retired.

working one weekend a month instead of three and four.

that will hopefully mean more time to work on my rifles.......

and more time on here......

mike in co
Duck !

You are asking for it ........

Congratulations .

my buddy francis,
i have been working 6-7 days a week...nearly every weekend for the last three years.....
i looked at the economy and said...there is no enjoy what you have while you can.
money wise i think we are in a world of hurt.......

health wise, i think i can crack moms 90th is in feb...( im 64 this month)
so i start ss this month added to two small retirements and occassional work...i should enjoy myself for a change.

finish the work on my benchrest ar's, build a with the 1k gun...who knows...
mike in co

This certainly answers why you seem like a cranky old _______________ you insert the word.
my harrels does not keep up with my mx123 with any powder currently on the market....
i have published my results several times....
i think the next step is primer weight.........
gotta finish the ar' some ideas so i can get under seven mins( they are NOT semi auto) they are br rifles.
mike in co

You forgot to mention:
Note to new powder measure.
And practice, practice, practice
As my old fire chief used to say "perfect practice makes perfect".
I have a lot of old sayings I can convey to use and you will be free to use them.
its three rifles..and i consider getting shots off in a short time better than just making the limit.
i have never been consistant time wise with the three rifles..
one reason i stayed at club matches...
i could paint them different colors ....
mike in co
my buddy francis,
i have been working 6-7 days a week...nearly every weekend for the last three years.....
i looked at the economy and said...there is no enjoy what you have while you can.
money wise i think we are in a world of hurt.......

health wise, i think i can crack moms 90th is in feb...( im 64 this month)
so i start ss this month added to two small retirements and occassional work...i should enjoy myself for a change.

finish the work on my benchrest ar's, build a with the 1k gun...who knows...
mike in co

The words Benchrest and AR...... go together about as well as Turd and Punchbowl :)
does a -.116 from an ar10 308 win work for you ?.
an ar15 in 223 that shoots .2 ag work for you ?
still working on the 6beggs...
time and time to shoot a string have been my issiues..not accuracy.
since you have only been here since 2009 you maybe excused for lack of knowledge..
work started over 10 years ago
this stuff is old news to most on these forums...
it was the whole idea behind the original post i can get back to work on these rifles.
mike in co

The words Benchrest and AR...... go together about as well as Turd and Punchbowl :)
Well Mike...most of us have heard about Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster as well, just have not seen hide nor hair of them either! If you just didn't get so serious about all this BS...we could go along with the humor.... :)

does a -.116 from an ar10 308 win work for you ?.
an ar15 in 223 that shoots .2 ag work for you ?
still working on the 6beggs...
time and time to shoot a string have been my issiues..not accuracy.
since you have only been here since 2009 you maybe excused for lack of knowledge..
work started over 10 years ago
this stuff is old news to most on these forums...
it was the whole idea behind the original post i can get back to work on these rifles.
mike in co
yes but i do get serious..and its not bs..its bs to you because you have read none of the reports i posted over the years. you are a know nothing hillbilly that with no facts has made up his mind that my projects are bs...
go do some research, look at the pics, read the reports...
you have a nice day
mike in co
The words Benchrest and AR...... go together about as well as Turd and Punchbowl :)

Or......analogous to a top fuelie at a dirt track.....or....goes together like a hand and boot.
mikein co-I do hope you publish the results of your adding weight to primers venture, and let us know how that worked out for you.
TRY NOT TAKING THINGS OUT OF CONTEXT...adding .weighing primers....
get someone to read the big words for you and i guess explain them too..
all ya all have a good day
mike in co
Or......analogous to a top fuelie at a dirt track.....or....goes together like a hand and boot.
mikein co-I do hope you publish the results of your adding weight to primers venture, and let us know how that worked out for you.
yes but i do get serious..and its not bs..its bs to you because you have read none of the reports i posted over the years. you are a know nothing hillbilly that with no facts has made up his mind that my projects are bs...
go do some research, look at the pics, read the reports...
you have a nice day
mike in co

PLEASE--spend more time on projects and less time here so we are not subject to insults and far out opinions.
PLEASE--don't lissen to liberals, this board is FOR your opinions, (and vicvanbs) don't leave and don't rise to the bait. People have been banned.

I don't have to agree with you (nor vicvanb) but, as a Conservative American I will never try stifle your views :) (nor vicvanb's)

I will NEVER give up in my fight for freedom of expression. Just because we've raised a generation of ignorant, selfish boobs who've voted us into this mess we're currently enduring you may be assured I'll NEVER support them. I know better. This same group will spend the next month wringing their collective hands and sobbing about the "tragedy" in Newtown Connecticut calling it "surprising" and wondering "how it could ever happen......" And calling for another curtailing of our rights.


"Banning" is always the answer of the left. Free Speech is ALWAYS the first thing to go.

I'll stay with you Mike, I may not AGREE, but I welcome you.

Thank You for your opinions (and vicvanb's)

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
. . .Evelyn Beatrice Hall.

PLEASE--don't lissen to liberals, this board is FOR your opinions, (and vicvanbs) don't leave and don't rise to the bait. People have been banned.

People were banned for insults, not for opinions.
PLEASE--don't lissen to liberals, this board is FOR your opinions, (and vicvanbs) don't leave and don't rise to the bait. People have been banned.

I don't have to agree with you (nor vicvanb) but, as a Conservative American I will never try stifle your views :) (nor vicvanb's)

I will NEVER give up in my fight for freedom of expression. Just because we've raised a generation of ignorant, selfish boobs who've voted us into this mess we're currently enduring you may be assured I'll NEVER support them. I know better. This same group will spend the next month wringing their collective hands and sobbing about the "tragedy" in Newtown Connecticut calling it "surprising" and wondering "how it could ever happen......" And calling for another curtailing of our rights.


"Banning" is always the answer of the left. Free Speech is ALWAYS the first thing to go.

I'll stay with you Mike, I may not AGREE, but I welcome you.

Thank You for your opinions (and vicvanb's)

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
. . .Evelyn Beatrice Hall.


NOW THAT MADE MY DAY..........! Thanks Al..!
